Ociphar Organization in World of the Book | World Anvil


Ociphar has a fascinating history, a highly advanced present, and a rich culture that is interwoven with magic and lots of glass. Instead of starting with government as we started with the previous nation we will start with a history   Ociphar Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1kUFkH6UJxhRlgK4oKnTrO?si=6350837686b048fa   Pinterest Inspo Board: https://www.pinterest.com/iambenmathis/ilmitar-world/ociphar/


Ociphar was once part of Normal ilmitar, a long, long time ago. They were joined together near the beginning of the world, when magic was new and peace reigned. This was at a time before nations were formed, before laws were set and palaces built. (for reference it would be a long time from this point until the Humans came… so. It was a looooooooooooooong time ago) The ilmitariians began to gather into groups, each wanting, of course, to be the most powerful group. Eventually, the three heads of the groups met and tried to divide up the land of Ilmitar (the continent/island on which Moore lives) some were not happy with their lot, and others wanted more. The leaders wanted to make a decision peacefully, then the leader of who would become The Ociphen was assassinated by his own kin for control of their land. The new group wanted to become the head leader of all the groups, but they were forced back and generally defeated. That group then abandoned their current leader, and left to the south across the seas leaving him behind. The second group took him in, and left too, seeking to avoid the conflict that this man might cause by bringing him elsewhere. These left to go to the north and become the High Alim of the northwest seas (ship bois). The people who left to the south were confronted by a giant desert, with no food, or water in sight. These people tried to go to the east and found a lake, with tunnels that led under the sand. Inside the tunnels, they found mushrooms and fish to eat. Here, underground, they made their first shelter. They began to explore once a home for this group was made. They traveled as they could upstream on the river, aided by magic, to its source. This particular tunnel led right into a fertile jungle in which they could gather plant, and grow more food. Here they began to build their empire, slowly but surely. (For record this group wasn’t one family. It was 150 people.) When more people were born and they needed more room to grow, one particularly brilliant wizard decided to use magic to smelt a gravity resistant glass. They used this glass to make a humble city, that rose from the sand so it would not be as hot. The glass itself still would burn to the touch, so to cool it they used the underground river to bring water up into the glass and cool it, then send it back down. This was the model used for their much larger cities and fortresses.
Geopolitical, Country


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