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History of The World

  • 4540000000 AOG

    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Earth was initially formed from molten magma and gas. Life did not emerge until the inhospitable planet cooled and settled. The infernal landscape of the Earth before genesis has become part of the genetic memories of all creatures on Earth, and humans drew from this imagery when they created the concept of Hell.

  • 4539999999 AOG

    Age of Gods
    Era beginning/end

    The time period beginning with the genesis of the Earth until the Common Era around 0AD is referred to as the Age of Gods, during which the world followed laws based not on physics but on Mystery. This period is marked by a greater proliferation of Phantasmal Species and greater interaction between gods and mortals.  This is the age of heroes and mythology, when rules of mankind and the laws of the world were different right down to the very fundamental physics of reality itself, but this period ended many years ago.  Even Magecraft itself is described as being closer to Magic in this era.

  • 0 AOG

    Age of Man
    Era beginning/end

    Around 0 AD, the Age of Gods ended entirely and the population of humanity grew explosively. Because the Earth obeys the law of the most prosperous species on its surface, the rules of the world were completely changed from one that mostly obeyed Mystery to one that mostly obeyed physics. The Phantasmal Species ceded the Earth's surface to humans and moved to the Reverse Side of the World, where Mystery still thrives.   The current age is identified as the Age of Man, where Mysteries such as magecraft are dwindling in favor of science.  The Five Magics were born in this age.

  • 1800 AOM

    The First Fuyuki Holy Grail War

    The First Holy Grail War took place around 1800, but it was not meant to be anything like the future Holy Grail Wars. It was not named as such, only meant to be a ritual for the families to reach Akasha. It took ten years from its establishment to gather the necessary energy to manifest, but the Three Families originally planning to utilize it realized that the system could only allow for one person to utilize it. Though they had the same goals, their opinions on how to reach them were different, so the unforeseen aspect caused them to break off their alliance. They instead agreed to proceed with the system and means to create the Grail, but they would then become enemies when it was summoned.   Due to requiring seven Heroic Spirits to achieve the ritual and seven Masters to summon them, they had brought in four outside magi with the call of "We've succeeded in manifesting the Grail. If you'd like to witness this miracle, join us and become Masters." Though the outsider magi had only sought to learn about the ritual of activating the Grail, they used the internal quarrel as an opportunity to grant their own desires. Though the Three Families held the rights to the Grail, winning the conflict would allow them to obtain a wish regardless of the ancestry.   It was not a major conflict in the end, and can be called a "small quarrel of sorts" due to the conflicting opinions and interests. From the point of view of the Einzberns, the first time ended before the completion. The evocation site of the Grail was held at Ryuudou temple on Mount Enzou.

  • 1860 AOM

    The Second Fuyuki Holy Grail War
    Life, Supernatural

    The Second Holy Grail War was held around 1860's, formally take on the name of the "Holy Grail War." Developing into a war for the second time, it pointed out shortcomings in the rules due to it developing into a murder spree in which nobody survived. It ended with no victory, and the Three Families took it as a lesson to create more precise rules such as bringing in a third party like the Church. The evocation site of the Grail was held at Tohsaka mansion.

  • 1939 AOM

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    The Third Fuyuki Holy Grail War
    Life, Supernatural

    The Third Holy Grail War took place in the 1930s, held on the eve of World War II. The fourth evocation site was confirmed and established, later becoming the center of the developing residential area of Shinto, the Fuyuki City Hall. Jubstacheit von Einzbern prepared the Einzbern forest and castle as the family's headquarters. The Tohsaka and the Edelfelt families were participants. The Edelfelts had two Masters, each with the same Saber-class Servant due to their unique Sorcery Trait. The Einzberns, tired of losing out on reclaiming the Third Magic, subverted the usual system in an attempt to summon the Zoroastrian god, Angra Mainyu. They obtained Avenger, which replaced the Berserker-class, but he was a very weak Servant without any abilities.   During the courser the Lesser Grail with the Imperial Army and the Nazis as well, and the fighting unfolded in the Imperial Capital. Avenger was lost early during the conflict, while upholding the Saber class' reputation, at least one of the Edelfelt sisters made it to the end. They were ultimately defeated by the Tohsaka, and the fate of the younger sister is unknown. The older sister ran away from the country, promising never to come back. The Lesser Grail was destroyed during the battles before the victor could be decided, so the ritual became meaningless and failed. The evocation site of the Grail was set to be at the Fuyuki Church.   There was a meeting held at a suitable time that appointed the then young Risei Kotomine as the supervisor for the next Holy Grail War. The ritual ended in failure, but Avenger, Angra Mainyu, was absorbed and the Greater Grail was contaminated. Up until that point, only true Heroic Spirits were summoned, but that contamination allowed for "something other than a Heroic Spirit" to be summoned during later Holy Grail Wars.

  • 1994 AOM

    The Fourth Fuyuki Holy Grail War
    Life, Supernatural

    The Fourth Holy Grail War took place in 1994, 10 years before the events of Stay Night; supervised by Risei Kotomine. The corruption caused by Angra Mainyu took effect, allowing for the summoning of improper Servants like Gilles de Rais. The destruction of the Lesser Grail during the previous war led Jubstacheit von Einzbern to develop it inside the body of a homunculus, leading to the creation of Irisviel von Einzbern. While the Holy Grail manifested, Kiritsugu Emiya, realizing that it could not grant his wish, effectively betrayed his Einzbern patrons by destroying it. The contents of it spilling out caused a large conflagration that killed five hundred people and destroyed 134 buildings. The only survivors of the participants were Kiritsugu, Kirei Kotomine, and Waver Velvet. Gilgamesh, through being incarnated by the mud of Angra Mainyu, also managed to still exist in the world.   Due to the inconclusive termination of the War, the Grail's failure to grant a wish to the selected victor, Kiritsugu, and the victor's subsequent destruction of the Grail, it resulted in the premature occurrence of the subsequent Fifth Holy Grail War only ten years later. The unexpended thaumaturgical energy accumulated through the elimination of Servants was recycled due to the destruction of the Lesser Grail before the Greater Grail could direct the accumulated mana to establish its pathway, thus trapping some of the unused mana within the Grail.   Kiritsugu had planned to demolish the ritual as of the proper scheduled time of the Fifth Heaven's Feel by arranging for the physical collapse of the Great Grail System before the originally estimated date. The process involved utilizing stocked dynamite and the manipulation of ley-lines to ensure a severe localized earthquake in the targeted area within thirty to forty years of the Fourth War. The premature occurrence of the Fifth Holy Grail War and the subsequent destruction of the ritual means that it no longer has a purpose.

  • 2004 AOM

    The Fifth Fuyuki Holy Grail War
    Life, Supernatural

    The Fifth Holy Grail War took place in 2004. Kirei Kotomine maintained his contract with Archer from the previous war, and though he was supposed to act as the impartial mediator from the Church, he mortally wounded Bazett Fraga McRemitz and took her Servant, Lancer. Rin Tohsaka (as shown in Unlimited Blade Works) emerged as the victor and helped in destroying the Grail rather than activating it.

  • 2014 AOM

    Dismantlement of the Fuyuki Holy Grail System

    The Holy Grail was dismantled ten years after the Fifth Holy Grail War in the 2010s. Lord El-Melloi II, a previous Master in the Fourth Holy Grail War, arrived in Fuyuki with Rin Tohsaka and Shirou Emiya to set out to completely dismantle the Great Grail. This development was against the Mage's Association's plan of reestablishing it, so the two sides were opposed. It caused great turmoil of the same magnitude as a Holy Grail War, but the end result was the Greater Grail's dismantlement. This caused a complete conclusion for the Holy Grail Wars of Fuyuki.

  • 2018 AOM

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    Creation of the New York Holy Grail System

    The Holy Grail System in New York was established April 16, 2018 by Gregory von Einzbern under the direction of Jubstacheit von Einzbern.  With the removal of the previous system, which was corrupted by Avenger in the third iteration, this was a chance at a fresh start to try and win the Grail.   Old Man Acht was clever in this second system's creation, however, and directed Gregory to make alterations to the system.  Previously, the Fuyuki Grail System could only pluck true Heroic Spirits from the Throne of Heroes before Avenger was assimilated in the Third War.  This change to the New York system mimicked that effect without the corruptive nature of Avenger.