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Arapys, God of Blood

Arapys, God of Blood, is born for this image. Well, not so much born as sprang up from the energy of creation but WHATEVER. He loves blood. His followers make sacrifices in his name, pouring blood down the throats of his effigies. Before the treaty his followers were ruthless, sacking villages and taking lives just for the pleasure of their god. This changed when the treaty was formed. It states that gods cannot interfere with the followers of others, and as most people pledge themselves to one god or another, it is very difficult to find proper sacrifices. As such, his followers have turned to mercenary work, become more institutionalized. So long as war is not made in the name of a god (forbidden by the treaty), armed conflict is allowed between cities and countries. This is where you find the followers of Arapys. His temples are now training grounds, producing the best fighters in the land. Merchant princes pay good money to hire them to protect their caravans, and feuding lords will have followers of Arapys on both sides of the battlefield, as Arapys allows his followers to fight each other. This has led to the Temple of Arapys becoming large and powerful, with followers all over the world.

Divine Domains

Blood, mercenaries

Holy Books & Codes

Some books on war strategies and fighting stances, but these aren't considered holy books.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Red and Black, bloody dagger

Personality Characteristics


He wants freedom to do whatever he wants, to impose his will on others, and to spread the joy of blood and killing.
Aligned Organization

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