Estelar, Goddess of Wind Character in World of the Star Mirror | World Anvil
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Estelar, Goddess of Wind

Estelar, goddess of the winds - Well all the oceans except the boiling sea. Is in charge of ocean travel, including boats and fishing. People pray to her for safe travel, or her dragons will destroy your boat. Sacrifice is required before leaving harbour, she is a jealous god and dislikes mortals on her waters, but tolerates it. Becoming a priest is simple, just apprentice to be a sailor. Some say her priests never set foot on land as a sign of respect, only happens at a certain level of oath. Priests gain the ability to sense the pattern of wind and water in order to steer ships, act as pilots. A good priest is a well paid priest, and merchants hold them in demand.

Divine Domains

Wind, boats, rope, knots, ships, sea dragons

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Blue, stylized knot
Aligned Organization

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