Temple of Rhasta Organization in World of the Star Mirror | World Anvil
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Temple of Rhasta

This temple is dedicated to the service of Rhasta, Goddess of Mining. Her followers are imbued with the ability to sense the presences of minerals and ores underground, and are granted the strength and stamina to better extract them. Nominally anyone is allowed to join her service, but in reality the Temple is controlled by the The Fabesta Family. They own the mines and a control the government of Rebrie, where the Temple is located. The Fabesta family decides who joins and who is promoted. Rhasta tolerates this, as the Fabesta family has brought her much fame and followers.


The head priest/ess leads this Temple, and is always a blood member of The Fabesta Family. Likewise, the High Priest/esses who administrate novices, mining operations, sales, and worship are all members of the family. Non-family members are very unlikely to gain a leadership role within this Temple, and will likely spend their time as a mining priest/ess. Novices spend their first years of training learning about the earth and the treasures found within it, as well as taking care of most of the chores around the Temple. Acolytes are brought into the mines and given first hand experience of the techniques of the Temple. They aren't allowed to work unsupervised until they have Sworn to Rhasta and have received her Blessing.

Public Agenda

This Temple more than others aims to promote the worship of Rhasta, in order to increase the influence of the Fabesta family. They have been quite successful so far, and have good relations with the god-cities nearby. They are especially close with the Temple of Jodmahl, whose followers buy up their ores to create their weapons, armour, and tools. In return they trade back those goods at fair prices. The only enemies of this Temple are the followers of the God of Commerce, who is jealous of their domination of the ores and minerals markets.


The city of Rebrie is controlled by the Fabesta family. They own much of the land and many buildings, and have high places in the government. They also own many mines spread throughout the mountains, as well as the equipment needed to extract and transport the ores and gems. They have an in-house force of guards, mostly recruiting from the Temple of Arapys, whose followers are blessed with battle skills. They also own a large fleet of ships, and employee the crews to run them.


Rhasta has long since had followers and small, scattered temples. It wasn't until the Fabesta family took over during the chaos after the signing of the Treaty between the gods that her worship became a prominent economic force.
Religious, Temple
Alternative Names
Temple of the Underground

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