The Grey Lady Character in World of the Star Mirror | World Anvil
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The Grey Lady

The Grey Lady, goddess of prophecy - Considers Lymnia to be her sister. Can see the Web of Fate that links each life, and can give predictions and make deals for a price. She manipulates events based on what she sees and her motives aren't clear. Her followers are few, but also have the gift of prophecy. They cannot see their own future at the risk of going utterly mad. Has few followers, who tend to travel and act mysterious and pull strings on their goddess’s behalf. Becoming her follower involves finding one and asking for teaching. Only women accepted.

Divine Domains

Fortune Telling, Luck, Prophecy, Spiders, darkness, fog

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Grey, Spider

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To prevent the destruction of the world, even if individuals must be crushed along the way. Will commit atrocities to avoid a later cataclysm.


Contacts & Relations

Each faction considers her to be a member, as she plays all sides. She plays a long game, manipulating strings to prevent the destruction of the world.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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