
Angren is a large, thinly populated province. Most of the people in Angren are foresters harvesting “Angrenian Gold”–cedars, sycamores, and pines. Unless you are a logger you haven’t much reason to come here. Even the people who live here avoid Ysgith, in lower Angren. Its overgrown forests hide giant crab spiders and carnivorous plants that can eat a person whole. At one time there was a druid’s circle at Caed Dhu, meaning Black Grove, but there has been no word from them in some time. There is a small logging town on the Yaruga, Cedar Flats, which is where the logs are put through the mill or pushed off in rafts toward larger towns to the south. Recently the large mills have started using their wood waste to make attractive and cheap paper. The people are slow to warm up to newcomers but there is always work in the mills or forests. There is a lone glimmer of society and culture in a town in the western part of Angren called Riverdell. It is in between the Yaruga and the Slopes and most of the population lives there.