Bard Profession in World Of The Witcher | World Anvil


Heh, ya never know what you’re gonna get with a bard. Some of my best memories have to do with bards...and some of the worst binds I’ve been in are thanks to bards. You might get a bard like the famous Dandelion, the famed adventurer, poet and constant companion of the legendary witcher Geralt of Rivia. A man who traveled the world collecting knowledge and stories, stopping in towns to tell his tales and sing songs of his numerous adventures. These bards are fine. Though let’s just say yer never gonna be able to tell what’s real and what’s a story. Bards are good at manipulatin’ the truth where it serves to make them look more impressive. Heh, harmless most of the time.   No, the bards you have to watch out for are the spies and the manipulators. Bards are good at gettin’ into people’s heads as well as makin’ up stories. they’ll talk circles around you, pull your strings, and make ya think you’re best friends. Then, when ya least expect it you’ll find a blade gettin’ acquainted with your heart. Not really suprisin’ that a lot of bards get chosen by kingdoms to become spies. ‘Course then again a good bard can also be a useful resource for just about anyone. Say you need to know about a legend, or maybe you’re gonna take a bounty on a dangerous gang leader. A bard’s gonna be your best bet to find out who you’re huntin’, where they’ll probably be, and how you should talk to ‘em. Heh, like I said, ya never know what you’re gonna get with a bard. –Rodolf Kazmer  

Defining Skill

Busking (EMP)

A Bard is a wonderful thing to have around, especially when the party’s low on money. A Bard can take an hour and make a Busking roll in the nearest town center. The total of this roll is the amount of money raked in by the Bard while they perform on the street. A fumble can lower the roll, and a negative value means that not only do you fail to make any coin but you are also harassed by the locals for your poor performance, resulting in a -2 to Charisma with anyone in the town for the rest of the day.

Defining Skill




Magical Perks



Language (Choose 1)
Human Perception
Fine Arts
Social Etiquette

Gear (Pick 5)

Dice poker board
Gwent deck
Hand mirror
An instrument
Flask of spirits
Belt pouch
Garter sheath
A journal with a lock