Craftsman Profession in World Of The Witcher | World Anvil


Craftsman is probably the second most common profession next to farmer. Well, whores are in there too but ya get my point. Artisans, some people call ‘em. Heh, craftsman covers everything from shoemakers to alchemists, but if they’re embarkin’ on some sort a dangerous adventure they’re likely to be a blacksmith or an alchemist. An alchemist is always a good thing to have. Alchemy’s a long-established science and there’s plenty of useful stuff that only a good alchemist could craft . Acids, super-flammable liquids, bombs, and all sorts of things. Sure, anybody with an alchemy set can make this stuff but only a dedicated alchemist can make it perfectly.   Call it a dwarven bias, but blacksmiths are probably the most respectable craftsmen out there. Spendin’ hours over a hot forge, workin’ with the sturdiest of materials and the finest precision. A good blacksmith can make a sword sharp enough to puncture the armor of the toughest and largest foes, or armor strong enough to resist a damn troll. Spent some time workin’ as a blacksmith in Angren before the Second Northern War and it ain’t easy work. When I was in the army, fightin’ the black ones, me and some boys were sent to the swamps of Sodden to defend against a detachment of Nilfgaardians. We held up across a river, but after a day of fightin’ back and forth, the wet got to my crossbow and the string stretched. Right there on the battlefield, while the others fired their volleys and fought in the muck, a bowyer named Klaus rigged a new string for my crossbow and had me back to shootin’ in no time. Owe my life to that man. –Rodolf Kazmer  

Defining Skill

Patch Job (CRA)

A skilled craftsman can patch a weapon or armor well enough to keep it working and keep its wearer/wielder in the fight, whether that be by tying a bowstring back together, sharpening the edge of a broken blade or nailing a plate over a cracked shield. By taking a turn to roll Patch Job at a DC equal to the item’s Crafting DC -3 a Craftsman can restore a broken shield or armor to 1/2 its full SP or restore a broken weapon to 1/2 its durability. Until fixed at a forge, a patched weapon does half its normal damage

Defining Skill

Patch Job



Magical Perks

None Skills Athletics
Fine Arts

Gear (Pick 5)

50 crowns of components
Alchemy set
Crafting tools
Iron long sword
Merchant’s tools
Small chest
Tinker’s forge