Criminal Profession in World Of The Witcher | World Anvil


Criminal’s a broad term. Everything from professional safecrackers to part-time assassins. But they’re all united by one thing. Heh, they get caught and it’s over for them. No point in lyin’, I’ve dealt with criminals from Kovir to Gemmeria and back. Smugglers, killers, thieves. All shapes and sizes. They can be good people from time to time. Some of ‘em just want to survive. The thieves are easy enough to deal with and they come in handy. Cracksman, pickpockets, and cat-burglars, they’re the best you can find at breakin’ and enterin’. Need to get through a locked gate, need to retrieve a certain item with minimal hassle, a thief’s your best option.   Assassins are fine as long as you’re not their target. I’ve known a few in my time. They go by all kinds of personal codes. More than most thieves, I think. All kinds of specifics on who they will and won’t kill, what’s too risky, what’s a cheap job and what’s gonna cost ya an arm and a leg. But in the end killin’s their business and they’re good at it. Used to know an elven girl who carried 16 knives. Can’t tell ya where they all were though, heh.   Last as far as I’m concerned are the professional criminals. Gang bosses whose entire business is crime in general. They’re the ones to watch out for. The position attracts philanthropic fools robbing the rich to support their communities and lotsa cold-hearted sadistic killers. Always workin’ an angle and always looking for the situation that’ll come out best for them in the end. Hard not to feel like a piece in a larger game with ‘em. –Rodolf Kazmer  

Defining Skill

Practiced Paranoia (INT)

Whether they’re an assassin, a thief, a counterfeiter, or a smuggler, criminals all share a practiced paranoia that keeps them out of trouble. Whenever a Criminal comes within 10m of a trap (this includes experimental traps, Man at Arms booby traps, & ambushes) they immediately can make a Practiced Paranoia roll at either the DC to spot the trap, the ambushing party’s Stealth roll, or a DC set by the GM. Even if they don’t succeed in spotting the trap, they are still aware that something is wrong.

Defining Skill

Practiced Paranoia



Magical Perks



Pick Locks
Sleight of Hand
Small Blades

Gear (Pick 5)

Brass knuckles
Bullseye lantern
Loaded dice
Secret pocket
Sleeve sheath
Thieves’ tools
Throwing knives x5