Doctor Profession in World Of The Witcher | World Anvil


"Heh, anyone who’s served any time in an army knows how useful a good doctor can be. My friend, if every wound I had treated by a doctor opened up right now I’d look less like a dwarf and more like a ghoul. I traveled with a doctor from Nilfgaard for a while. Heh, one of the few black ones I can stand. Swear this whoreson could work miracles when he was inclined. ‘Course a good doctor, a real one’s trained in that sorta thing. Bringin’ folk back from the very gates of death. Usin’ all that knowledge they get in their fancy academies to identify diseases and wounds and whatnot. Figurin’ the best way to fix whatever ails ya.   Good doctor knows herbal remedies too. I sell fistfulls of leaves and roots and whatnot to just about every learned man I run across, but doctors seem to use ‘em the most. Heh, poultices and potions and powders and things. All to keep bleedin’ and nausea and sickness away. I even heard the really good herablists mix their own concoctions. Seems suicidal to me but what do I know? Mixin’ whatever greens ya find and gettin’ something useful out of it. Heh, ‘course if ya don’t find a medicine ya probably find a good enough poison. With all the knowledge of how to fix a person a doctor can do pretty well at breakin’ that same person. Knowin’ all the right places to cut, how to make the wounds even harder for another poor sod to treat. All kindsa knowledge that I personally would rather never got used for ill. Heh, but I guess in a world like this, even a doctor has to fight back sometimes." –Rodolf Kazmer  

Defining Skill

Healing Hands (CRA)

Anyone can apply some ointment and wrap a bandage around a cut, but a Doctor has true medical training which allows them to perform complex surgeries. A Doctor with Healing Hands is the only person who can heal a critical wound. To heal critical wounds a doctor must make a number of successful Healing Hands rolls based on the severity of the critical wound. The DC of the roll is based on the severity of the critical wound as well. Healing Hands can also be used for any First Aid task.

Defining Skill

Healing Hands



Magical Perks



Human Perception
Resist Coercion
Small Blades
Social Etiquette
Wilderness Survival

Gear (Pick 5)

Candles x10
Clotting powder x10
Large tent
Numbing herbs x10
Sterlizing Fluid x10
Surgeon’s kit
Writing kit