Mage Profession in World Of The Witcher | World Anvil


Mages, magicians, witches. People call ‘em a lotta things. Personally I call ‘em trouble, but that’s just my humble opinion. A mage is just some person who has the ability to tap into the natural magic in the elemental realms. Somethin’ people call “Primal Chaos.” They go to big fancy schools, mostly Ban Ard and Aretuza in the North and Gweision Haul in the south. I had some, ahem, dealin’s with a certain sorceress not many moons ago and she enlightened me in between romps. Said mages were powerful conduits for magical energy as long as they didn’t use too much power they could do just about anything with it. Mages with focusin’ items like wands or staves or amulets could even regulate all that power to channel even more. Said that at the academies they trained mages to be smart and forward thinkin’, usin’ magic to further science and improve life for people.   Heh, positive thinkin’ I guess. Can’t deny that mages did improve things ‘round here. Without ‘em, probably wouldn’t have science as we know it. And for a long time there was a mage serving in just about every king’s court. Advisors to royalty, some of the most powerful and influential people in the world. A lot of ‘em still have all those tricks and traps fer dealin’ with court life. It’s half of what makes ‘em so dangerous. But then this whole chaos with the Lodge of Sorceresses happened. Now nobody trusts a mage, North or South. My , heh, sorceress friend lost everything thanks to those bloody whores. Now she can’t even enter a city in the North without a disguise. –Rodolf Kazmer  

Defining Skill

Magic Training (INT)

To qualify as a Mage a magically adept person must pass through the halls of one of the world’s magical academies and learn the fundamentals of the magical arts. A Mage can roll Magical Training whenever they encounter a magical phenomenon, an unknown spell, or a question of magical theory. The DC is set by the GM, and a success allows the Mage to learn everything there is to know about the phenomenon. Magical Training can also be rolled as a form of Awareness that detects magic that is in use, or specters.  

Defining Skill

Magic Training



Magical Perks

5 Novice Spells
1 Novice Ritual
1 Low Danger Hex


Grooming & Style
Hex Weaving
Human Perception
Resist Magic
Ritual Crafting
Social Etiquette
Spell Casting
Staff /Spear

Gear (Pick 5)

100 crowns of components
Belt pouch
Garter sheath
Hand mirror
Makeup kit
Writing kit