Man At Arms Profession in World Of The Witcher | World Anvil

Man At Arms

"Now I know what you’re thinkin’. Rodolf, ya wee bastard! Ya fought in two campaigns! Ya must be a man at arms! A soldier to the core!’ Ya’d be dead wrong. Yeah, I fought in two campaigns. Scouted in the First Northern War. Arbalist Corps in the Second. I fought at Sodden. Fought at Brenna. I was never good at it. Not like the real soldiers who trained their whole lives for it. I was fightin’ because I love my country. Heh, lemme tell ya, lovin’ your country and havin’ a crossbow doesn’t make ya a soldier.   The real soldiers are the men like Vernon Roche and John Natalis. Two of the best damn soldiers I ever met. They knew the ropes and rare got tangled. A man at arms lives combat and breathes conflict. When they aren’t at war they’re servin’ as bodyguards and hired mercenaries. They can be hell on the field, wieldin’ their weapons with not an ounce of fear in their bodies. Chargin’ at the enemy in the finest plate armor, swingin’ a damn sword tall as they are and choppin’ the heads off the oncoming cavalry. Drop ‘em in the swamps of the Pontar and you’ll have yourself a bonifide predator, trackin’ elves through the foliage, settin’ traps around every corner and readin’ every enemy like a damn book. Put a crossbow in a real man at arms’ hand and they’ll drop a black one with a bolt to the eye from 120 yards. May have been a soldier but I’ll never be a man at arms. And trust me, I’m perfectly fine with that." –Rodolf Kazmer  

Defining Skill

Tough As Nails (BODY)

True Men At Arms like the Blue Stripes of Temeria and the Impera Brigade of Nilfgaard are hardened soldiers who never give in or surrender. When a Man At Arms falls to or below 0 Health, they can roll Tough As Nails at a DC equal to the number of negative Health times 2 to keep fighting. If they fail, they fall into death state as per usual. If they succeed they can keep fighting as if they were only at their Wound Threshold. Any damage forces them to make another roll against a DC based on their Health.

Defining Skill

Tough As Nails



Magical Perks



Any 5 Combat Skills
Wilderness Survival

Gear (Pick 5)

Armored trousers
Battle axe
Chain coif
Crossbow & bolts x20
Steel buckler
Throwing knives x5