Merchant Profession in World Of The Witcher | World Anvil


"Look around ya. Check your pouches and your satchels and your saddlebags. I’ll bet most of what ya have ya got from a merchant somewhere. Probably right, aren’t I? Heh, my friend, people discredit merchants, but they don’t realize just how important we are. Merchants bring people the things they need. When a man in Mettina wants a sword from Redania, he can risk his life travelin’ up through this vast and deadly world of ours or he can find a merchant. You’ll likely never see Zerrikania, but as long as merchant ships come every few months you can have your ivory and your exotic sabers and whatnot. A good merchant is a connection all over the world. We know what we’re sellin’, where to find it, and how to get it for a steal. Or at least a good bargain. Ya need some information or maybe a favor, find a merchant. I’ve got friends all over most cities and for a few coins I can learn about just about anythin’ anywhere.   Plus the coin. Ah the coin! If you’re a half-decent merchant you can turn a profit on just about anything and that means income. Income means more money and money means power. Need to get into a fancy party? A lot easier when you’re wearin’ the latest fashion and totin’ a coin purse the size of a dwarf’s fist. Say I don’t feel like gettin’ my hands dirty? There’s always someone willin’ to do a dirty job for the right price. A merchant lives or dies by their contacts, their knowledge, and their product. Long as you keep those three things up you’ll be golden. And maybe carry a crossbow under the cart seat. Just in case you run across customers unwillin’ to haggle." –Rodolf Kazmer  

Defining Skill

Well Traveled (INT)

Your average merchant makes a living from trade and that trade brings in customers from all around. But a traveling merchant goes to their customers, wandering the roads of the world, and learning from it’s people. A Merchant can make a Well Traveled roll anytime they want to know a fact about a specific item, culture, or area. The DC is set by the GM and if the roll is successful the Merchant remembers the answer to that question, calling on memories of the last time they traveled through the applicable area.

Defining Skill

Well Traveled



Magical Perks



Human Perception
Language (Choose 2)
Resist Coercion
Small Blades

Gear (Pick 3)

Crossbow & bolts x20
Large tent
Merchant’s tools
Writing kit


A mule and a cart with 1000 crowns of common or everyday items