Noble Profession in World Of The Witcher | World Anvil


"Heh, spent the wars watchin’ nobles make alliances and backstab each other, while the ones that did fight got escorted to the battlefield with the best weapons and armor. Eh, s’pose that’s bein’ too harsh. Not like I haven’t met nobles I liked. Plenty of folk with noble titles and whatnot. Difference is in the ambition. ‘S like men at arms: anybody with a title’s an aristocrat but not every aristocrat’s a noble. Real nobles spend all their time improvin’ their status, winin’ and dinin’ other nobles, and provin’ their valor and whatnot.   Heh, some of ‘em use their coin to gather knowledge. Interestin’ folk, always learnin’ new skills, before flittin’ to the next “passion.” Heh, got the money to do it so why not, I guess! These nobles are always lookin’ to impress with all the knowledge they got and far-off items they collect and such.   Then ya got your real leaderly types. Heh, the ideal captain for any ship. After all, nobility’s supposed to lead the commoners, right? Rarely see these nobles without a few servants around ‘em, providin’ council, entertainin’ ‘em or what not. Gotta admit, they’re damned charismatic though. Heh, hard to ignore an order from a real dyed-in-the-cloth noble.Lastly, ya got your knights. Ya see, a knight ain’t the same as a man-at-arms. Hard to describe the difference but it’s in the trainin’ and in the head, I think. Knights’re cavaliers not killers. Stalwart sons of bitches, fightin’ for their countries and their houses. Expert in heavy armor and usually the best damned riders I’ve ever seen, heh." –Rodolf Kazmer  

Defining Skill


Nobility, whether earned by noble deeds or conferred by birth, grants a person a grandeur that must be acknowledged. Peasants may curse a noble’s name and mock them in the safety of their hovels but most dare not insult a noble to their face. A Noble adds their Notoriety value to their Reputation score when in their home country or a country allied with their homeland. If a Noble travels to a kingdom or territory that is actively at war with, or neutral toward their homeland, they gain only half their Notoriety value.

Defining Skill




Magical Perks



1 Combat Skill
Grooming & Style
Human Perception
Social Etiquette

Gear (Pick 5)

Fashionable clothing
Invisible ink
Journal with a lock
Makeup kit
Secret pocket
Writing kit

Starting Coin

200 crowns x 2d6
