Priest Profession in World Of The Witcher | World Anvil


"Met a surprisingly tolerant priest in Mag Turga once who said ‘everyone finds the gods in their own way.’ Suppose that’s a good way to describe priests in general. There’s cultists in the South who believe in a great cataclysm and a new sun, fanatics in the North who worship fire, and some truly darin’ mad folk who worship a goddess of life and fertility. Heh, point is, everyone finds a divine somewhere. It’s hard to prove your god is the only one, so churches crop up everywhere. Some priests are actually gifted with magic, though they’ll never admit they’re like those damn godless mages. Heh, ignore any similarities, their magic is given to them by their god and thus it is acceptable. You’ll find these priests usually watchin’ over towns and cities. Lookin’ out for the moral heart of the land and keepin’ the people pious and at one with their god or what have ya.   Then again ya have the druids. Nice folk long as you’re not a poacher or a downright bastard. They live as one with nature and spend their time preservin’ balance. Never had the pleasure of meetin’ a druid in person, though I’ve heard stories. They’re rarer these days. A lot of ‘em are on the Skellige Isles from what I hear. Then ya got your radicals and your true cultists. They’re the ones to keep an eye out for. Ya never know what a crazy son of a bitch driven by the word of his god is gonna do. Or even worse, what a power-mad priest will drive his subjects to do in the name of their gods. I’d say we’re seeing the results in Redania right now. Place’s gone mad since the Eternal Fire took over." –Rodolf Kazmer  

Defining Skill

Initiate of the Gods (EMP)

The churches of the world are often warm and inviting places, helping their communities and welcoming new converts. A Priest can roll Initiate of the Gods at a DC set by the GM at churches of the same faith to get free lodging, healing, and other services at the GM’s discretion. Initiate of the Gods also works when dealing with members of the same faith, though they will likely be able to offer less than a fully supplied church. Keep in mind that Initiate of the Gods doesn’t work with members of other faiths.

Defining Skill

Initiate of the Gods



Magical Perks

2 Novice Invocations
2 Novice Rituals
2 Low Danger Hexes


First Aid
Hex Weaving
Human Perception
Ritual Crafting
Spell Casting
Wilderness Survival

Gear (Pick 5)

100 crowns of components
Alchemy set
Clotting powder x5
Holy symbol
Numbing herbs x5
Sterilizing Fluid x5
Surgeon’s kit