
Redania remains untouched by Nilfgaardian forces. Our young king, Radovid the Stern, works tirelessly to unify the Northern forces to push back the Nilfgaardian threat. The current northern boundary of Redania touches nations of the Hengfors League, while the great Pontar River is the southern border and is the highway for Redania’s trade empire. In the west it is bounded by the Gulf of Praxeda and the Northern Sea.  e wooded hills then roll east up to the Kestrel Mountains, which have traditionally been the boundary between Redania and Kaedwen. Recently, in response to a call from Kaedwen, King Radovid has sent Redanian troops across the Kestrel Mountains, not to aid Kaedwen but to occupy, as a part his plan to consolidate the Northern Kingdoms. This sparked the Winter War, as Kaedwen attempted to rally its forces to push back Redania.   King Radovid’s father was King Vizimir the Just. Redania thrived in his reign, but darkness was on the horizon. In 1262 Nilfgaard started its depredations in the Northern lands, including the destruction of Cintra. King Vizimir saw Redania through the First Nilfgaardian War, but even during the peace Nilfgaardian spies and provocateurs sought to destabilize the country, sending proselytizing priests of the Great Sun and merchants with products priced to undercut domestic goods. The non-human races were egged on by Nilfgaardian spies.  is came to a head when an elven attacker assassinated King Vizimir, although there are those that believe that the assassin was hired by Vizimir’s sorceress adviser, Philippa Eilhart. At that time Radovid was only thirteen years old and Redania was in the midst of the Second Nilfgaardian War. Queen Hedwig reigned in Redania, but power rested with a regency council led by the head of Redanian Intelligence, Sigismund Dijkstra, and his lover, the sorceress Philippa. The sorceress unwisely treated Queen Hedwig and the young Prince Radovid very badly. They say it was her arrogance that burned a vast hatred of sorceresses into our king at a young age. When he took the throne he realized the Lodge of Sorceresses had too much influence on the Northern kings. Radovid’s witch hunters, previously the most fanatical of the Knights of the Flaming Rose, have since hunted down many mages.   Tretogor is the capital of Redania. Aside from its castle and large administration buildings it is very modest. The city guard is very active—magic users and many non-humans are soon swept up and not be seen again. Tretogor’s dungeons are famous for being the last stop for Scoia’tael on their way to execution. Almost everyone in Tretogor works for or is in town to visit the government. With Novigrad so close, there is no major trade center here.   Oxenfurt is the liveliest city in Redania. The Oxenfurt Academy and its libraries, labs, and classrooms fill the city center. Around the edges are the taverns, bars, and brothels catering to the footloose but usually penniless students. There is nothing like it in the North, and new ideas and inventions boil out of it constantly  


Religion and traditions

On Saovine, Redanian children burn figurines of Falka on bonfires, to remember her famous rebellion.  


Redanian steeds are unsurpassed, and thus the Redanian cavalry is among the best of its kind in the world, and with the country's nobility filling its ranks, it is the heart of Royal Redanian Army.   For ages, Redania has fought a customs war with Temeria, its primary rival in the North. Redania possesses the best intelligence network in the world, and throughout history they have infiltrated many of their rivals fellow agencies.  

Economy and Trade

  The Kingdom derives enormous profits from trade with Novigrad as well as grain exports. It may be said that the monarchy is the granary of the whole Continent, and even other parts of the world. Therefore, the dominant landscape of Redania is huge, undulating fields of grain. In the 13th century, the state economy became seriously threatened, because of the flow of cheap goods from and others into the country, which constitute serious competition for local artisans. In addition, there are very few manufactories.