
Temeria is more populated and more central to the Northern Kingdoms than its neighbor Redania. Historically it has been very strong, a rival to Redanian power. Over the course of time, the Temerian king has held the titles King of Sodden, Sovereign of Pontar and Mahakam, and Senior Protector of Ellander and Brugge. This area is falling into chaos and will be difficult to wrest from the advancing Nilfgaardian army. Many villages have been looted and burned. Others still exist, but their people have surrered unbelievable horrors. Both armies have stripped the land for provisions and executed “collaborators,” frequently non-humans. Do not travel through this area but in the greatest necessity.   Temeria is bordered on the north by the great Pontar River, which creates the boundary with Redania. Tributaries of the Pontar, the Ribbon, as well as the Yaruga in the south, penetrate the land creating highways for valuable trade. The eastern border is the Mahakaman Mountains, with large dwarf strongholds that produce the best iron and steel in the world. On the western side, Temeria is largely isolated by the Brokilon Forest and its distinctly anti-social dryads. In the south, Temeria borders the Temerian protectorates of Brugge and Sodden, now lost to Nilfgaard. It wasn’t always like this. Temeria was founded in the eighth century by King Dezmod just aft er the Landing of the Exiles. our hundred years later, King Medel ruled uneventfully with his queen and two children. The son, Foltest, and the daughter, Adda, were very close. No one appreciated how close until Foltest announced that he intended to marry his sister and make her his queen. The royal advisers were horrified. Unfortunately, Adda was already pregnant. She died giving birth to a stillborn daughter so deformed that one midwife went insane. There were whispers that it was retribution for their unnatural liaison, but Foltest was inconsolable. The Nilfgaardian Emperor’s cleverest strategy was arranging the assassination of King Foltest and King Demavend of Aedirn by the former witcher, Letho of Gulet, and tying those deaths to the Lodge of Sorceresses. The loss of the kings’ tactical and diplomatic skills has been keenly felt in the war. Since Foltest’s death, Temeria has been plagued internally by battling nobles. Constable John Natalis is a suffcient supreme commander of the Temerian forces, but he is not a diplomat and cannot handle the fractious dukes. No true leader has emerged, and the Nilfgaardians currently lay siege to the capital city of Vizima.   Vizima is a large walled city encompassing an island at the edge of Lake Vizima, which empties into the Pontar River. Temerian soldiers and conscripts constantly harass the Nilfgaardian siege forces. In the future, if the city is rescued by Northern forces, it is well worth visiting. However one should avoid the Old Vizima quarter, a run-down ghetto for non-humans.  


Temerians are considered very polite and religious, but do not fully accept representatives of the so-called Elder Races. In general Temeria's residents have a tendency for xenophobia, despite nonhumans living in their society.  



The most popular and most widespread religion in the kingdom is the worship of the goddess Melitele, though cults of the Prophet Lebioda and Kreve also have their followers. On Saovine, children burn figurines of Falka, to represent her defeated rebellion.  

Economy and Trade

Temeria is one of the wealthiest realms in the North. Temerian economy is based on cultivating the production of various goods, trade, and extracting valuable mineral resources, from the mountains of Mahakam. The Temerian oren is one of the most used currencies in the world. Temeria also remains a land with highly developed agriculture, animal husbandry, and food industry. As Mahakam is officially part of the kingdom, Temeria has considerable interests in the extraction of precious metals and the production of high-quality weapons.