Witcher Profession in World Of The Witcher | World Anvil


“Like I said, I traveled with a witcher for a time. I once asked him why he kept being a witcher. Didn’t look like he got much out of it. Heh, kids rushin’ into their houses and fathers lockin’ away their daughters when you enter towns doesn’t sound like my kinda job. Suppose I shoulda expected the answer he gave. Didn’t really know how to be anything else. Makes sense really. Spend your whole life doin’ something like that and ya don’t have much else to work with. But it’s not all bad. A witcher’s still a damn impressive thing. they’re great sword fighters—even watched the witcher I traveled with parry a crossbow bolt flying at him. If that doesn’t sound insane to ya, ya need to hear it again. That pretty spinnin’ style witchers use can really do a number on a slower swordsman too. They get those blades movin’ so fast ya can barely keep track of the things. Like a silver flash. If ya survive the swordplay, ya still have to watch out for their damn alchemy. In the old days at least, witchers carried a bunch of potions and oils that could make ‘em hell on a battlefield, make ‘em even quicker, let ‘em heal like werewolves. Then on top of it a witcher’s somethin’ of a wee mage. Not as powerful as a mage, mind ya, but still capable of magic. They’ve got these things called Signs, which are special hand-symbols that have magical effects. Heh, a mage would scoff at ‘em since apparently they’re not even at the level of simple mage spells but they’re still impressive. Over all I’d say it’s a good thing witchers only hunt monsters. Or at least they used to only hunt monsters.” –Rodolf Kazmer  

Defining Skill

Witcher Training (INT)

Most of a Witcher’s early life is spent within the walls of their keep, studying huge, dusty tomes and going through hellish combat training. Many have argued that the Witcher’s greatest weapon is their knowledge of monsters and their adaptability in any situation. When in a hostile environment or difficult terrain, a Witcher can lessen the penalties by half their Witcher Training value (minimum 1). Witcher Training can also be used in any situation that you would normally use Monster Lore for

Defining Skill

Witcher Training



Magical Perks

All Basic Signs


Spell Casting
Wilderness Survival

Gear (Pick 2)

Alchemy set
Double woven
Hand crossbow
Throwing knives x5


Decoction formulae
Oil formulae x2
Potion formulae x2
Witcher medallion
Witcher’s steel sword
Witcher’s silver sword