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South Reach

South Reach is a settlement and Arling located in southeast Ferelden, just west of the Brecilian Forest. The Arl of South Reach is Leonas Bryland, who served under Prince Maric during the Fereldan Rebellion.   Southreach is an inner Arling, and one of the biggest in the Kingdom of Ferelden. It lies South of The Bannorn, West of The Brecilian Forest, North of Gwaren and Kocari Wilds, and East of Ostagar and The Hinterlands.   The capital of the Arling is South Reach, which lies by The Drakon River’s fork.


Southreach Geography is simple, it consist of Three prominent regions:   The Reach: The fertile plains that formed by The Drakon River (To the north) over the ages for hundreds of years. It’s where most fields and farms lie, and now with the miracle of the healed land, these plains are one of the most fertile lands in Ferelden that can even compete with the famous Bannorn’s fertility.   Southron Hills: The hills east of Ostagar that Connects with Kocari Wilds. Where all ancient and new mines lies. Although some mines goes deep beneath the earth, non proved connecting to the Deeproads yet.   Shrublands: The land on the verge of The Brecilian Forest consists mainly of shrubs, small trees, and bushes. The province lies between two rivers: Drakon River & Sudrand River   The Drakon River: Coming from the Lake Calenhad at the west and moving along the Imperial Highway until it pour out into The Amaranthine Ocean in the east (Where Denerim lies). The Brylands have built tens of bridges of the river to ease the movement between Southreach and the Bannorn (and rest of Ferelden), wing dams and Groynes have been built to slow down the waterflow and protect the bridges from bridge scours. The main bridge and biggest one by Southreach city and the river fork have a dozen floodgates (The province emblem) that can control to which branch the water flow increase or decrease.   The Sudrand River: Coming from the Southern wilds and flowing through the infamous forest and out of it. It forms a small extremely fertile small delta on the north-east part of the province, then pours into a chasm - that separates it from where the Drakon river runs - and takes the rest of its course underground. Expeditions who dared to descent into the chasm have never returned.
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