BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



Cyberil is the most technologically advanced settlement in the world. Cyberions believe that by crafting a technological cybernetic city system that branches its needs to the oceans and geothermal sites around the city, they feel they can not only stop climate change but will have the power to make significant scientific strides to evolve humanity toward the next age of evolution.  
  Cyberil is a smart city that fosters and promotes information and communication technology. Furthermore, increasing sustainability and eco-efficiency while promoting the well-being of Cyberil citizens supports this urban smartness.
  Human agency in Cyberil is increasingly enmeshed in cyberspace's digital landscapes, which the Cyberspace Institute manages. They have advanced the idea of "digital humanism," advancing from both the expected, artefactual, and natural world of Union Society.
  Cyberil desires to erase the boundaries between humans, nonhumans, and the environment and find a sustainable ground for appreciative coexistence. Ethical discussion of spheric boundaries and systemic balance are discourses that disciples, solarians, and cyberions hold with rigorous debate.
  Cyberil has nodes for intelligent living, commuting, services, and work. The Super AI Quantum Computer, known as the Coordinate, facilitates a digital dashboard for the network to which different cities worldwide have access. The Coordinate facilitates inter-organizational cooperation and effective resource allocation as time economists work with the Coordinate in managing the worldwide time banking system.
  The general attitude of Cyberil is one of a technology-optimistic ethos with an enthusiasm for bringing new digital technologies and services to the Union in a demand-driven crowd intelligence collaboration facilitated by the Coordinate. Phrases intentionally mentioned in cyberspace as partner citizens submit their needs become material for production proposals as services spring from the Coordinate negotiation throughout the cities of the Union. Twenty people can mention a needed product, and six months later, that product will be available for the public through a lean manufacturing design process. Demand fuels products through adaptive production practices, and the Cyberions were the pioneers and advocates of such a lean production process.
  Still, Cyberil has a theoretical, epistemological, and ontological orientation towards transhumanist philosophy, placing technology at the pedestal of its paradigm. Disciples and Solarians desire a more balanced and (eco)systemic approach, applying recent advances in digital technology to benefit urban and environmental systemic balance and equilibrium. It is a troublesome tension that does not have a solution.  
  Cyberil is a cognizant urban system with a nonhuman expression different from the partner-citizens' collective consciousness. They operate together as a collective-artificial inter-operation, which is what we really mean by the Great Will. The Coordinate can not be separated from it, much like nerves in the body support the mind. It is one coordinating system.
  Recognizing the complexity and systemic interdependency of Cyberil's cityscapes, natural systems, and the cyber world, Cyberil is a systems-based smart city. It is a cyber-physical system, and its essential features are:   The defining sensing and cooperative data collection.   Real-time data-driven optimization.   Dynamic resource allocation through the Cyberil Urban Coordination.  
Cyberil, according to Cyberions, is a self-aware city as its feedback mechanisms, self-organization, and cyclical learning foster a city consciousness distinct from the Great Will. Cyberions see it as a sentient being. Cyberil systems are self-organizing like natural systems as their interactions between the city system's parts and feedback mechanisms regulate the partner-citizen urban environment for optimal health and productivity. For Cyberil, self-organization emerging structures or "patterns" of interaction that assist in the city's evolution as the citizens' active and autonomous engagement helps in that evolution. So, partner-citizens of Cyberil, and especially Cyberions, actively evaluate, recommend, interpret, and share experiences; give feedback; participate actively in the creation of smart cyber urbanism while engaging in the cybernetic governance of urban space through generating data of location and activity, preferences, or even mood.  
  "Cybering," as it is called, has been a source of disagreement for those who engage in non-cybering or do not wish for Cyberil optimization as the Coordinate guides. Cyberions lean into the erasure between man and machine as they look for ways to inform Coordinate behavior while submersing themselves in the manipulation and direction of the Coordinate itself. For example, suppose the Coordinate system notices stress from the partner-citizen who agrees to be a cyber-directed-citizen. In that case, they will enact tools, such as lavender plants, giving off their scent to calm the citizens—this bridge and blur between man and machine causes Disciples unease. For the Coordinate, human beings are symbionts for the Coordinate and being assisted by the Coordinate in a dance of mutual benefit.
  The direction transforms the cyber-citizen into living, breathing, remote sensor-generating cybernetic data points, and information flows, allowing the visualization, analysis, and experience of 'digital' spaces and 'active' places in the environment of a city simultaneously. Through a meshwork of material and virtual reality that significantly expands the agency gradient, Cyberil can sense, act, and even learn skills and develop.      

DNA Nanobots

Some information used from
the article by July 24, 2007 |authored by Jon Bailey
  Cyberil has advanced Self-replicating DNA nanobot technology. Tiny machines made from strands of DNA can build copies of themselves, leading to exponential replication. These devices are able to replace microprocessors as a way to swarm intelligence micro processing instructions 1000x faster than the microprocessor before the Great Turn. These tiny machines, which are just 100 nanometres across, using four strands of DNA are held in a solution with these DNA-strand raw materials, which they arrange into copies of themselves one at a time by using their own structure as a scaffold. They are nanocomputers in which one nanobot has the processing power of a preturn mainframe and there are thousands which can be squeezed in an area one inch by one inch with raw chemical materials as a substrate building blocks.  
  Each nanobot is a microprocessor which takes a a bunch of instructions in machine language and executes them, telling the processor what it has to do. It performs some basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and some logical operations using its Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU). It can also perform operations on floating-point numbers also. Data in microprocessors moves from one location to another through emergent evolutionary algorithm processing. It is more of machine learning which gets faster with time. It is able to self diagnose and self-correct not only its own system but can inform the user of the device what future components are needed for the device. It does have a Program Counter (PC) register that stores the address of the next instruction based on the value of the micro computer which constitutes the handheld device, Unlike pass microprocessors which jump from one location to another and make decisions. Goo chips hands instructions simultaneously looking for the best execution for the instructional sequence.    
  Goo chips can self-fix devices when they wear down as channels open and close on the cube so machines can leak out and repair obsolete components. The device may require certain chemical compositions which the raw materials are acquired, squirted in the hole of the device, like the pin of a smartphone and the nanobots will do the rest.     The UV light permanently welds the new nanobots together, and the heating tends to separate the new structure and the parent structure so that each can begin to build another copy. This is why Nanophones are placed under UV light to replicate and regenerate.   Nanobots are able to acquire some of the needed raw material by pulling carbon molecules out of the air, and morphing with nanotubes as the bonds between the nanobots. Nanobots constitute a polycarbonate body, which has a single microprocessor implanted into the carbon shell which would send electrical pulses throughout the nanobot. The electrical pulses would in turn send signals to the twelve carbon nanotubes, which are used to grab onto the nanotubes of another bot and transfer information. The nanotubes are multi-walled polycarbonate nanotubes-which can grow, contract, and deflect using electrical impulses. The electrical impulses would send a signal which would link, or bond, one nanotube to another by switching the atoms in the end of the nanotubes. Linked together they would join the network of nanobots. The microprocessors implanted in the nanobot would also be able to read outside data from the environment in which it is in. In order to self replicate the nanobots would have the ability to pull carbon molecules off of oxygen molecules and then once mixed with the catalyst inside of the bot become a new polycarbonate nanobot. This would allow them to harvest carbon to create the parts for new nanobots. Certain nanobots would create specific pieces of the nanobot so they would collectively build a new nanobot, much like a factory made up of nanobots. They work together to make the whole of a new nanobot–one makes a new microprocessor, the other makes a new nanotube, and another a nanotube, and so on until a new nanobot is assembled.     This “factory” would be set up by making sure certain series of nanobots would be linked to another, much like in DNA, only certain codes are mixed to one another. This happens in a matter of milliseconds. Once nanobots are linked together they are plugged into the network of nanobots running together. These bots run under the confinement of the principals defined by the user and the limits placed upon them by the software and the user.  
    These limits could change the composition of the bond, and bots could become denser or pull away from each other to change the shape of the bond. This would then change the configuration of the molecule making it appear to us to be a different color – using different wavelengths in the visible light spectrum. They could appear to be green one minute, and blue the next. Walls could even appear to become completely opaque or even as a gas.     The inhabitant or user of this structure would purchase this at a market place. This could be given as a solid object made up of nanobots. The user receives a “box” of bots. This box is made up of trillions of polycarbonate nanobots, which make up a mass that looks like a solid box. This box is hooked up wirelessly to a computer where it receives its code, or instructions, from the program. The program then sends the user defined information to the box to be reprogrammed. The microprocessors receive their signals and start to process information. The box collectively calculates the weather conditions (sun, wind, temperature, precipitation, etc). The user places limits, desirable to their needs, on the nanobots. The limits are areas, voids, which should be left out to complete the desired floor plan of the structure. The bots are calibrated around this design, and then it maximizes itself to work more efficiently with the environment—taking into account weather conditions and location. Areas, or voids, will be carved out within the exoskeleton which will carry water and air throughout the structure, much like a capillary system. Building codes and regulations are also put into this database of limits, which mandates some rules for the bots. These building codes and limits are set by architects and the government to; ensure the infrastructure of the city, from the nanobots running out of control, and general greed of the user.  
  Each bot then finds its exact coordinates (GPS) of where it is at that place in time. Once all of the limits are placed on the bots and GPS is located, the box is then linked up to the network where its information is fed into the database and calculates the shape of the house based on the conditions. The nanobots map out all gps positions they will be traveling to make up the exoskeleton of the house. Each nanobot is self replicating, and while moving along its GPS defined path, self-replicates more nanobots in its trail leaving other self-replicating bots. This is turn leads to new swarms of nanobots which are sent to their respective GPS height position signal to stop replicating, so that it leaves a solid, level, surface for a floor. Nanobots on the perimeter of the floor, which will eventually become the exoskeleton of structure, will not receive this signal, and follow on the path upwards to complete the walls directly into the structure. Certain areas of the structure may be left more porous than others to allow for air flow (composition of the nanobots, which are smaller than water molecules, would allow for air to breathe while keeping rainwater out) or even collect and distribute rain water. Once the nanobots are done self replicating and all nanobots have received their GPS position telling them to stop self replicating, the structure is completed.
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