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Town of Triumph Base Map Image
Kawkawa is located 2.5 km (1.6 mi) east of Hope, British Columbia. Kawkawa is also the name for the neighborhood in Hope surrounding Kawkawa Lake.   The lake was home to many species of fish (best known for its large kokanee (land-locked salmon), which can reach up to 3+ lbs in weight). However, after the Great Turn, all life in the lake moved towards extinction. What is now a desolate ruin, the area that used to be a resort and campground on the lake's shore, is now the Kawkawa council headquarters.  


Kawkawa now holds a year around temperatures between 90 °F to 100 °F Fahrenheit, which is a cooler range than the 150 °F to 200 °F temperatures that it was in the past. A year-long, hot, dry summer makes it difficult for vegetation to sustain growth in the area.   Due to the Great Turn, Kawkawa has a subtropical, hot desert-like climate with long, extremely hot summers, short, warm winters, and little rainfall. The lake and rivers in the area have long since evaporated, now the weather is balmy but not hot bringin back the subtropical weather in the southern area of British Columbia. The mountains accumulate moisture the Pacific through Vancouver, ranging from Kawkawa's west. As air masses travel towards Kawkawa, they are forced upward by each range, they cool, and moisture condenses to fall as rain or snow on the western slopes, the warm air masses reach Kawkawa, in the form of occassional percipation, as showers now fall in the area of southern British Columbia which is the a new phemeonon in recent years because of the terriforming efforts of Elysia.    The now balmy weather of Kawkawa begins to produce sparse vegetation just a hundred miles out. Outside the Hundred miles the geography becomes unrelently harsh as the temperate geography gives way to desert.  
  Indeed, refugees begin to see the first glimpes of habitable lands if they are able to make through the vast hellish desolation of the south called the Damned Lands.  


As refugees stream into Kawkawa, Elysian Society honors refugees worldwide who have been cut off from Elysian society for 300 years. They have existed, we are now learning, in underground infrastructures such as the US underground infrastructures which connected Norad to Washington D.C. From the Guangzhou underground city in China to the Malta Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni of Greece, there are various undercity locations around the world where human beings relocated to live and survive. The tragedy lies in how they needed to survive when food was scarce above and below ground. Many refugees engaged in cannibalism, eventually driving the populace insane, due to the generational consumption of human meat, in many of these areas. Unfortunately, there is a prejudice for refugees who miraculously find their way to the areas outside of Elysian cities, believing that they are most likely cannibals and, for that reason alone, should be denied citizenship. This is a debate among the Elysian citizenry between making sure that these refugees do not taint Elysian society and the compassion that they are human beings who deserve to live and thrive like Elysian citizens. Nevertheless, great walls have been erected around various cities to protect the Elysian populace from the influx of refugees coming to their towns. The Great Collective Will, citizens feel, senses the agony of these populations and the great populace consciousness is move ultimately to help.   This is why there has been a push to create a refugee resettlement program that reflects the core values of the Great Collective Will, Elysia's values, providing a haven for the oppressed out of compassion and aspiration to see all beings well. Refugees have been coming to various city areas for ten years, and The Great Collective Circle of Elysia, which holds representatives from twenty-four cities around the world, enacted the first refugee legislation on March 2, 2334. Following the admission of more than 10,000 displaced refugees since the slight alleviation of the Great Band around the world, this legislation provided a process for the relocation and reeducation of refugees to be adopted as citizens of the Great Collective in the coming years. Refugee families are taken to island locations around the world to undergo scaffolded reeducation, where they learn Elysian practices and principles in stages. The standard strategy is for refugees to start their education on one island for approximately two years, then begin the work practice for another two years to finally receive citizenship and relocate to a protected town after an additional two years. Therefore, a potential citizen will complete the reeducation & retraining in about 6-8 years.    
    These waves of refugees are assisted by social-business organizations that facilitate not only how refugees may pay for the resettlement process towards citizenship but also how they can help the Union attain its needs. Social venturist organizations have, once again, assisted in finding mutual benefit by employing creative business solutions to solve the social problem of refugee movements around the world. In Kawkawa, for example, refugees on Long Island near Vancouver travel back into the desolate interior of the damned lands to find precious materials and discarded technologies to be repurposed in Union science and reengineering centers of the world.    


  Refugees, upon their arrival, need immediate potable water, sanitary liquid waste treatment, and strong shelter.   The Elysian cities and settlements, like Triumph, orchestrated to provide this to the people very quickly.   Fully off-grid buildings that are super sustainable and able to withstand disasters can be built by the people and provide potable water.   On-site healthy/sanitary liquid waste treatment. (1 day with robotic assistance)   Solar and/or wind power for electricity. (2 days with robotic assistance)   Strong architecture ready to withstand future disasters. (3 days with robotic assistance)   Teaching the local populace. We bring in as many locals as possible to teach how to continue building these buildings and systems. (14 days)   Phase I, a small building, is complete in a week. (7 days with robotic assistance)   Phase II, a community center building, will be completed in half a month. (approximately 13 days with robotic assistance)  
    Refugees undergo a period of surveillance which is purposefully kept secret from the potential citizens. Such surveillance seems near magical, for it seems that Disciple counselors know what they are thinking and feeling without needing the refugees to voice it. Such invasive surveillance is unnerving to some refugees, causing 10% of the residents in the settlement to leave the resettlement program yearly.   Currently, 8949 residents in Kawakawa are brought into the resettlement program towards union citizenry, about 2,000 a year. 1,500 citizens complete the program which is an astounding 75% pass rate. The program is not easy, however, potiental citizens are given tools and assistance to achieve this laudable goal. The waiting list to enter the program is approximately two years. There are 3,500 whites, 2514 African Americans,125 Native Americans, 34 pacific islanders, 320 Asians, and 2,456 Hispanic or Latino Americansas of February 2324.    

Government and Infrastructure

    Kawkawa Circle operates under holacratic governance, adopting the village of Triumph's initial governance accountabilities; Kawkawa citizens have representation in the Triumph legislative process and the semiautonomous in their town's affairs.     Kawkawa also becomes familiar with the Elysian practice of iDemocracy. Elysia's digital democracy fosters the erosion of the traditional concepts of countries, nations, and states, which accelerates in the digital world, as the idea of "neighborhoods" based on shared tribal and house values has become how Elysian citizens envision their world. Kawkawa residents find this kind of reimagined citizenry foreign to them since they have lived in groups that significantly identified themselves with their location and group. Elysian citizens practice collaborative democracy, and the need for monopolizing governments and multilateral organizations becomes unnecessary. Decentralized, non-political, and non-state actors are critical in Elysian legislative and interpretative legal practices.   In collaborative democracy, political parties have long been defunct as a yesteryear practice. Twice a month, petitioners gather 5,000 digital signatures, upon which they hold face-to-face collaborative meetings in Elysian digital space across related circles to explore ways to incorporate them into policymaking. In this way, even those too young to vote can nevertheless have a way to start a movement and set a norm.   USpace facilitates crowd-sourced policymaking. Governance models based on what can be called "Tribe Space-Organization Space-Role Space collaborations" have been the key to this new way of government practice.    
    So, for example, the idea of item locators was started by a refugee (now a respected Elysian citizen) who created a circle to assist Elysia in locating and tagging geolocation for time service credits. This has been one of the best mutually beneficial programs that greatly assisted the resettlement program of refugees worldwide.   Kawkawa, like other refugee settlements worldwide, slowly submerges in civic infrastructures on Uspace, where civic technologists unify opinions currently dispersed throughout Elysia and refugee populace, transforming them into a motivational force for creative policies. Efforts such as these greatly assist the development of trust from refugees towards Elysian process and practice. Cyberion-led technologies have increased the safe practice of digital democracy technologies to bring about broad participation, adopting "fast, fair, and fun" tactics in the fight against refugee prejudice and bias.    

Clear Roads

    Roads used centuries before are still able to be used. Another social business program, Clear Roads, is a circle specifically designed to clear the streets around the United States. It is during these pursuits in the deep damned lands that occasional contact with other residents of these hellish lands transports them to resettlement sites for processing towards possible citizenry.


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