BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



  As the Cyberspace Institute (CI) is there to orchestrate cyberspace employment throughout the Union, its energy infrastructure taps ocean-wave and geothermal technology to fuel its demanding appetite for energy, assisting its technological advancements and applications. CI partakes in many interesting scientific projects. One of the most influential and popular is Toril-Prime. Toril Prime is the stimulated planet crafted by the Artifical Intelligence Architect (The Coordinate) from the information of the forgotten realms procured from the pre-Turn internet. It is a Dungeons and Dragons simulation which the creator of the artificial intelligence simulation creation program, Samson O'Neil was a big fan. The creator of the Coordinate had one intriguing question. Can the Lifestyle effectively transform a society for the better? This simulation pursues that question. It invites player-participants worldwide, especially Solarians and Disciples, to engage in the simulated world to see if it has any innate benefit to a better society. This endeavor has been going on for more than 30 years. The Coordinate crafts evolutionary learning algorithms and programs them from real-world psychological profiles, temperaments, and lifestyles, allowing for time and experience to craft a uniquely expressive program. These programs have stirred the simulated world by engaging in conflicts, political strife, tribal tensions, and military battles that feel surprisingly sentient. The Coordinate captures human flaws in code.   The simulation is an open invitation for those who desire to explore and expand their Lifestyle from the land called the Nobel Realms. This title is Sam O'Neil's tongue-in-cheek creation. The player's goal is to influence the simulated world for the better. This aim has been an uphill battle for pro-lifestyle activists. It has been a struggle to influence Coordinated-born minds (npcs) to transform their society by employing practices from the Lifestyle.   Npcs are considered natural in their pursuits of freedom and happiness. Players have strict guidelines when visiting this world. The most important guideline is that players only guide and suggest. It is up to NPC to decide whether to adopt the lifestyle practice. The NPC does not know that they are programs. The Coordinate deletes conversations about the nature of their reality from the code of these simulated persons. Participants can leave and enter the simulation as often and frequently as they wish. Such visitation is easier for simulated coherence in the land of the Noble Realms or when players are adventuring bands away from settlements in Toril. Incongruence, when NPCs can not reconcile the fabric of their reality due to player engagement, i.e., seeing a player vanish before their eyes, is reconciled by The Coordinate itself through memory fabrication. The Coordinate will create a simulated story in the minds of the NPCs. This coordination makes the seamless exit and entry of participants from Toril-Prime easier to maintain. This age preference is also why player characters are adults rather than children. Adults can move through the simulated world without needing caretakers and watchers. Venturing bands are the most effective way for the Coordinate to maintain the cyber-facade on Toril-Prime individuals to operate.   We now find on Toril-Prime that there is a small secret faction of NPCs in various parts of the world who have adopted the Lifestyle secretly or in confidentiality, and they find that player characters must constantly maintain this rooting of the Lifestyle in the world. As of today, the lifestyle structure has yet to flourish outside of the Noble Realm's direct assistance, and this is a point of disfavor that the Lifestyle is less important than the people who engage in it. Now, in the world, Lifestyles undergo varying degrees of acceptability in some places more than in others.


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