
The animate are a race of animated objects, brought to life through powerful necromancy. Despite their dark origin the species has moved on in their history, leaving the dark lord who created them behind.   They can be made from any material, such as objects, plants, or even the undead. They possess a unique blend of physical and magical abilities.   The Animate are strange and mysterious. They come in all shapes and sizes from the lumbering golem made of stone to the swift and deadly zombie to a wizards hat, moving silently and on its own as if propelled by magic. Despite the reputation animate are just as diverse in their backgrounds, alignments, and composition as any other race.  
  Ability Score Increase Increase on ability score of your choice by +2, and two other ability scores by +1.   Age Animate do not age, but some choose a duration to their lifespans as to feel more mortal and better connect to the other species around them.   Speed Animate move at a walking speed of 30 ft.   Language Animate speak, read and write common and an additional language of your choice.   Animate Life Animate are animated by some form of magic, be it divine, arcane, primal or something else entirely. They are not, however, disabled or harmed in any way by antimagic effects such as standing within the eye of a beholder, or spells such as dispel magic. For all purposes they are 100% alive, and not magical. They are however considered constructs.   Form Select a category form for your animate from the options below:   Plant / Organic   Photosynthesis While in an environment that is not extraplanar or subterranean, you do not need to eat, or sleep. Additionally, you are able to by choice produce fruit, nuts or other forms of plant based food of your choice that could sustain up to 1d4+1 creatures each day.   Organic Regrowth You are able to cast regenerate on yourself. You cannot use this ability again until 24 hours have passed.   Undead   Undead Composition You do not need to breath, eat, or sleep.   Undead Flesh You are immune to necrotic damage. Whenever you would be the target of necrotic damage, you regain HP equal to the damage you would take. You are vulnerable to radiant damage.   Object   Object Form You do not need to breath, or eat. While you remain motionless you are indistinguishable from an object that is inanimate.   Objective Communication You have the ability to communicate telepathically with creatures who understand a language you speak, within 30 ft.


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