
The Aurorans are a race of psionic humanoids known for their neon colored hair and eyes. They possess the ability to sense the emotions of others, giving them an understanding of the inner workings of the people around them. It is for this reason that many do not trust the Auroran. Aurorans are typically slender and tall, with mild athletic builds. They are peaceful and harmonious and deeply committed by and large to ensuring the balance of the world around them. Most seek tranquility and a sense of inner peace, perhaps because of their ability to sense and ‘see’ the turmoil around them.  
  Ability Score Increase Increase One Ability Score of your choice by +2, and two others by +1 each.   Age Aurorans have a similar lifespan to humans and reach maturity at that same rate.   Speed Aurorans have a walking speed of 30 ft   Languages Auroran speak, read and write common and a language of your choice.   Auroran Empathy As a bonus action Aurorans may choose a target within 30 ft. The Auroran knows the emotion that creature is feeling unless it is masked by some magic, or the creature is incapable of feeling emotions (such as some constructs).   Auroran Tranquility You may cast the spell calm emotions number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier. Wisdom is your ability for casting.   Auroran Telepathy Aurorans gain a telepathic-like ability, but rather than communicate distinct thoughts and sentences using language as a medium, they project emotions. Choose a target you can see within 30 ft. That creature senses an emotion of your choice coming from you. They are aware you are the source.


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