Gyledaria (GUY-LA-DAR-EEAH)

  Gyledaria is the country to the far east of the Westerlunds. It features several easily accessible ports. It is situated to the East of Hastegar and to the North of Kaldemar. It is a Triarchy and is ruled over by a council of three monarchies who unite under the banner of a single country flag, but maintain their own borders within that country. Therefore Gyledaria is split into: Masbry, whose Capital is Masbryrun. Sonwar, whose Capital is Skeltwak, and the Half Marches whose Capital is Dunsforth.   The rich political infrastructure that exists in Gyledaria has been forged over the ages. Truly it began with Sonwar, a land that has traditionally belonged to the High Elves and was influenced by the Autumn Court of the Feywild in elder days. The Wood Elves branched out from Sonwar, forming Masbry. In the early second age the Wood Elves rose up against Sonwar and gained their independance forming two separate regions, each with their own King. The Treaty of the Autumn War united the Kingdoms under a banner and created Valorstell's first Duocracy. All laws and rulings had to be passed by both Kings to be Gyledarian law. (The same as we have it in the United States. There is 'federal' law and 'state' law.)   In the mid 2nd age, refugees from over the sea arrived. Halflings fleeing religious persecution from Ravenhiem. These halflings brought with them the worship of a new religion called Enlightenment, which is the worship of the Soul Self. They settled in the non woodland areas. Their original Capital was Kettlesking, but it was moved to Dunsforth to be more centrally located. It wasn't for another 200 years after arrival that hte Treaty of the Autumn War was ratified and the Halflings identified a leader of their own to serve as the third king on the council allowing for majority rulings but also better established checks and balances.   There is a population of Dark Elves that live subterranean but they establish clear borders and remain separate underground.  

Government in Gyledaria

  The Triocracy in place in Gyledaria sees a relative amount of fuedelism go along with it. There are Lords who govern the wide stretches of Land, although it is widely known by the Elves that no person may own the forest as land holdings. The forest is regarded by the Elves to be shared among all the people. For high crimes, each King will appoint a judge from their people to act as part of a council of judges.   Of Masbry you have Kings Berengar the Wise and Valduril the Kind who are in power. The pair are said to be the happiest and kindest Kings the realm of Masbry has ever seen. Of Sonwar you have Queen Edithanallas and her husband King Donthir. They came into power very recently after events following the Fourth Great Darkness. Finally, you have Queen Ramirra of the Halflings who is actively courting from several potential suitors.   The Lords and ladies of these realms hold lands and responsibilities and bend the knee to the royals listed above. In the realms of each royal their rule is absolute. In the realm of Gyledaria each have equal say.   Wearers of Blue patrol each land, independent of a crown as their master.  

Economics in Gyledaria

  Gyledaria has a traditional medieval economy, with goods and services in exchange for coin. A portion of all trade is taxed at a variable rate of 3% for goods (nonmagic), 4% for services (nonmagic), 5% for food, 6% for services (magic), and 10% for goods (magic). The taxes levied go to the programs Gyledaria has established to take care of the poor, the homeless, and the destitute, as well as to maintain the roadways and ports and to pay the salaries of the wearers of blue and the wearers of red.   The primary export of Gyledaria is alchemical goods. The crafters and alchemists of Sonwar and Masbry are legendary and together they create more than an estimated 4% of the worldwide consumed alchemical products per year.   The primary import of Gyledaria is paper. This may on the surface appear to be counterintuitive, but the Elves truly revear the forest and refuse to cut it down in the name of papercrafting. It is much easier to purchase lumber from places like Struldan to create paper from than to deface their precious forests.  

Religion in Struldan

  The return of Berengar the Wise at the end of the 4th Great Darkness harkened a new era in Gyledaria, one that ushered in the first case of Freedom of Religion in all of Valorstell. In so doing there has been an explosion of exploration into faith, but also into the worlds first true interfaith endeavors.  

Life for the Nobility

  Nobles in Gyledaria serve. A title comes with responsibilities, but they are a subset, a piece of a greater whole. Each noble in Gyledaria understands this and strives to serve that goal with all of their hearts.  

Life for the Peasantry

  Life for the Peasantry in Gyledaria is grander than many places in the world. Most live within the safe walls of cities and towns, and the opportunities to thrive in Gyledaria presently are great.  

Facts and Lore

  Verren, the reverred King of the 1st age ruled in Masbry. He brought the light of the Trinity of Light to these lands.   To date, Gyledaria has had the most arrivals of Aasimar comets, at 5. This beats any other country by a count of 2.   The Sonwar people still have autumn colored hair, a link back to their heritage of the feywild when they crossed over in elder days as Eladrin.  

Major Towns and Cities:

  • Port Weighton
  • Skeltwek
  • Port Baybrow
  • Cayton
  • Port Felbeck
  • Port Inglby
  • Dunsforth
  • Yafshire
  • Silton
  • Kettlesing
  • Masbryrun
  • Port Felcote
  • Port Downham
  • Escrick

Demography and Population

  • 80% Elven
  • 7% Dwarven
  • 5% Halfling
  • 5% Other - Various
  • 3% Dwelven

Foreign Relations

Gyledaria has alliances with Hastegar and Kaldemar.   Gyledaria is enemies with Ravenhiem.   Gyledaria is nuetral with all other countries.

Three Realms, Unbroken, Unbent, Unyielding.

Founding Date
1st Age
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Eastern Woodlands, The Elfhome
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
The following are how coins are referred to in Gyledaria:  
  • Platinum - Starshimmers
  • Gold - Sunlillies
  • Silver - Moonsilvers
  • Copper - Autumn Leaves


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