
Half-Giants are the children of humanoids and giants. They tend to possess many of the traits of the their mighty giant parent, and as such are often seen as tall and broad with strong athletic builds. They may also possess similar appearance to the type of giant who as their parent such as having red hair if their parent was a fire giant, etc.  
  v2.0 (Updated December 2023)   Ability Score Increase Increase one ability score by +2, and two other ability scores by +1   Age Half-Giants reach maturity around age 16 and live to be hundreds of years old.   Speed Half Giants have a movement speed of 35 ft   Languages Half Giants can speak, read and write common and giant   Strong Build: Half Giants gain +2 Strength   Built for Might: A half giant doubles its strength score for the purposes of calculating carrying capacity.   Long Strides: While not in difficult terrain, increase your Speed by +10 ft   Wide Strider When moving through forests or mountains you may ignore all difficult terrain.   v1.0:   Ability Score Increase Increase one ability score by +2, and two other ability scores by +1   Age: Half-Giants reach maturity around age 16 and live to be hundreds of years old.   Speed: Half Giants have a movement speed of 35 ft   Languages: Half Giants can speak, read and write common and giant   Rock Attack: If you are outside, or in an environment where there is stone you can make a improvised ranged attack to throw a large stone at an enemy. Make a proficient ranged attack roll against an enemy within 80 ft.. On a hit you deal 3d6 + dex mod damage. This increases to 6d6 at level 8, 8d6 at level 14 and 10d6 at level 17. Once you have used this ability you cannot use it again until after you complete a long rest.   Wide Strider: When moving through forests or mountains you may ignore all difficult terrain.


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