King Reginald Anders

King Reginald Wyndell Anders

Early Life

Studying with his father, King Nicholas is one of King Reginald's earliest memories. He learned sword play, agriculture, social sciences, math, and reading from his father. King Nicholas taught his son that to be a King is to be a many disciplined thing, and King Reginald took such to heart. It was after his father's tragic death, and King Reginald's vengeance against his uncle, that King Reginald left boyhood behind at the tender age of 15 and ascended to be King.  

Early Reign

Reginald's early reign saw the vipers descend from on high as many believed a boy king could be decieved such that they could get whatever they wanted from him, but that was not to be so. He was guarded, given his losses, and ruled accordingly. Choosing to divert attentions from foreign interests he focused on the builidng of his people, a thing he focuses on even now. He earned the title at a festival from his people, the "First Shield", a double entendre referring both to his shielding his people as first policy, and second to the words and stories around the first Knight and the Shield of Struldan.  

Modern Reign

Reginald is courting a future wife and is focused now that his Kingdom is stable and flourishing, on the next generation and what legacy will be left behind. He hopes to have a son of his own that he might teach the lessons that his father imparted unto him all those years ago.  

Character Sheet

  King Reginald Anders should be statted out as a level 8 Human Fighter (Champion) with a 17 Str, a 15 Dex, a 14 Con, a 12 Int, a 14 Wis, and a 15 Cha.

Personality Characteristics


Defense of the people above all.   Growth internally. A shield defends, it does not conquer.   Defense of the Allies and Allied Nations second.



King Redignald Anders has been the King of Struldan since he was 15 years old. During an attempted uprising, his father, Former King Nicholas Anders was slain, and he as just a boy took up his father's sword and cut down the would be attacker. It was in this moment he realized that the attacker was his Uncle, Preston Anders. It was a powerful lesson about jealousy, loss of emotional control, and how threats can lurk closer than one ever realises. This lesson stayed with King Reginald all of his days.   His reign is said to be one of peace. A warrior King, Reginald does not take kindly to threats, implied or otherwise and fiercely defends his people. It is said he gained much respect from the great Dragon Klykiarzix for this train they shared in common.

Family Ties

Reginald is the grandson of King Wilfred and Queen Adrianna who begat King Nichalas and his younger brother Preston. King Wilfried perished at 40, when his sons were a mere 10 years old. Queen Adrianna ruled until her dying day at 70. Preston never married, but his brother King Nicholas did, marrying Queen Melody. The two brought forth only one son, King Reginald before Queen Melody perished in Childbirth. After the death of his father at the hands of his Uncle, Reginald became King.   Two years ago, King Reginald began to court Lady Elizabeth Robinson, and their relationship has been slowly flourishing.

Religious Views

Reginald is faithful to the Old Gods, and reveres the power that nature has. There was a time in which he had visited foreign lands and had been interested in the Trinity of Light, even going so far as to investigate Hastegar.

Social Aptitude

A bit rough around the edges, King Reginald is nontheless seen as a powerful orator with a deep booming voice and a way of rallying his people. He is often befriended by foreign dignataries and heads of state and is seen as a powerful ally or a woeful enemy to have.

Wealth & Financial state

The grown holds coin, lands and value of property in the amount of an estimated 2,000,000,000 gold sundrops.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The King of Struldan   Lord of the Emerald Reaches   First Shield
Medium, Curly, Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations