
From the Great Jungles of Lashrun, to the Frozen Elgenwood, and unto Eisenweg, Mundon, and Dubara Isles Porenia can be defined as a Wilderness paradise. As such it doesn't have a formal government. It is vast, natural territory that remains lawless and undiscovered. Many tribes of human, elf, lizard folk, kobold and others call Porenia home.  

Economics in Porenia

Varies from tribe to tribe but most use a pure bartaring system. Most tribes of Porenia do not understand the concept of coin holding material value.  

Religion in Porenia

Those who worship in Porenia tend to worship cults of fiends, or fey/eldritch powers or the Old Gods.  

Life in Porenia

Life in Porenia is a constant battle against bugs, disease, and dinosaurs. Each carries their own level of lethality and are handled differently.  

Facts & Lore

  Porenia is one country that Abderron swore he'd never step foot into. He feared a deep power within he described as the 'Opal Form'.   Porenia's snowy south in the Elgenwood is the origin place of the Snow Elves   The Dinosaurs of Porenia are fearsom and legendary. They are a holdout from the Primal Age of Valorstell.  

Major Towns & Cities:

  Logros   Gualle   Barcevia   Port Ororia   Port Blaceres   Port Suleer   Zarabria   Elgenwood   Eisenweg   Port Balle   Dubara Isle   Port Zuruco   Mundon Isle   Port Dalrein


Tribal Leaders run their individual tribes throughout the wilds. There are occasional wars between the tribal leaders over land or power. Usually the conflicts are relatively tame and end in a matter of days to weeks.   Outsiders are permitted but are usually objects of curiosity to the tribes. The tribes are easily shaken and if anything occurs that could spook or shake them, they will turn on a party of adventurers very quickly.   The flag of Porenia is not employed by the tribes but is employed by rangers, the Wearer of Green who guard the jungles and the lands around the region use the flag to mark friendly and safe places in the wilderness.

Powerful as Nature.

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Great Jungle


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