

  You have spent your life studying the night sky and the celestial bodies that grace it. Whether you're an astronomer, astrologer, or simply someone fascinated by the stars, your connection to the cosmos has shaped your worldview and granted you unique insights.   Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Nature   Tool Proficiencies: Navigator's tools   Languages: Celestial or Primordial (choose one)   Equipment:   A star chart or celestial map, A set of navigator's tools, A telescope or a set of binoculars, A set of common clothes, A pouch containing 10 gp  

Feature: Starry Insights

  Your knowledge of the night sky and celestial phenomena grants you insights that can be useful in various situations. When you are under an open sky at night, you can use your expertise to:  
  • Determine cardinal directions based on the position of the stars.
  • Predict upcoming weather conditions based on celestial patterns.
  • Identify significant celestial events, such as eclipses or meteor showers, and interpret their potential significance.
  • In addition, when you spend at least one hour studying the night sky, you can make a Wisdom (Nature) check to gain information or insights related to your current situation or the world at large. The DC for this check and the information gained depend on the circumstances, as determined by the DM.
  Suggested Characteristics   Stargazers are often contemplative and curious individuals who find solace and inspiration in the night sky. They tend to be introspective and inquisitive, seeking answers to the mysteries of the cosmos. Here are some personality traits, ideals, bonds, and flaws that a Stargazer background might have:   Personality Traits:  
  • Curious: You have an insatiable thirst for knowledge about the stars and the universe.
  • Dreamy: You often find yourself lost in thought, gazing at the night sky, and pondering the mysteries of existence.
  • Precise: Attention to detail is second nature to you, especially when it comes to celestial observations.
  • Patient: You understand that the universe operates on a grand timescale, and you are willing to wait for answers to reveal themselves.
  • Wonder: The beauty and vastness of the cosmos inspire awe and reverence in you (Good).
  • Discovery: You believe that the secrets of the universe should be unlocked and shared for the benefit of all (Neutral).
  • Ambition: You aspire to make a groundbreaking discovery or prediction that will change the course of history (Any).
  • Observatory: You are connected to an observatory, academic institution, or group of like-minded individuals who share your passion for the stars.
  • Celestial Patron: You feel a deep connection to a particular celestial body or entity and believe it guides your destiny.
  • Starry Mentor: You were mentored by a renowned astronomer or astrologer who taught you the ways of the cosmos.
  • Absent-Minded: You can become so absorbed in your celestial studies that you forget about the world around you.
  • Stubborn: You have strong opinions about celestial matters and are resistant to changing your beliefs, even in the face of evidence to the contrary.
  • Astronomy First: You prioritize your astronomical pursuits over everything else, sometimes neglecting personal relationships and responsibilities.


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