Stellian Elves

Stellian Elves, also known as Star Marked Elves, are subrace of Elf defined by their dark skin and celestial markings that adorn their bodies. It is said that each Stellian Elf looks as though they are a small piece of the divine night sky above and for that the Stellian Elves delight in starlight of all kinds.   They are the creation of the Stellevir, the Lords of Starlight and the children of Solleon and Lunivast who together compose the Trinity of Light.  
  Ability Score Increase Increase one ability score by +2. Increase two others by +1.   Age Stellian Elves reach maturity and age as High Elves do.   Size Stellian Elves are Small or Medium Creatures   Languages Stellian Elves speak, read, and write common and Elven   Speed Stellian Elves have a walking speed of 30 ft   Dark Vision Stellian Elves see in dim light within 60 ft as if in bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light, though only shades of gray not color.   Star Flight Stellian Elves know the spell levitate and can cast it as if it were a cantrip. When a Stellian Elf reaches level 6 they learn the spell fly and can cast it once per long rest.   Star Bolts Stellian Elves can make unarmed attacks at a range of 30 ft. The damage type for these unarmed strikes is force.


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