The Godborn

The direct descendants of the bloodline of the Gods, the Godborn possess powerful abilities and strong connection to the divine. Their culture is one of great reverence for their divine heritage and are often found in positions of religious leadership or otherwise serving the Gods, though some choose to breakaway from their divine connection altogether in favor of other pursuits.  
  Ability Score Increase Increase on ability score by +2 and two others by +1.   Age Godborn reach maturity similarly to other races that they appear as, but do not die of old age.   Speed Godborn have a walking speed of 30 ft.   Languages Godborn speak read and write all languages   Understanding of the Heavens Choose a cantrip from the Cleric spell list that is not Thaumaturgy. You know this cantrip, as well as Thaumaturgy and use Charisma as your ability for casting both.   Heavenly Ear Godborn can hear the prayers of anyone who chooses to pray to them, so long as they are on the same plane of existence.   Godly Build Choose an additional Feat


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