The Social Contract

D&D Group Social Contract

  These are the unspoken things we all agree to when we game at my table. Most of them are self explanatory, but if you have any questons, please reach out.   1. Respect and Courtesy  
  • We will treat each other with respect.
  • We will listen to each other and give everyone a chance to speak and contribute.
  • We will avoid interrupting others while they are speaking or role-playing. If we talk over each other, apologize and make sure both are heard.
  2. Punctuality  
  • We will strive to be on time for our scheduled game sessions.
  • If we can't make it or will be late, we will notify the group with as much time in advance as is possible.
  3. Commitment  
  • We understand that playing D&D is a collaborative effort, and we commit to regularly attending sessions to maintain the flow of the story.
  • If we must miss a session, we will notify the Dungeon Master (DM) and the group as early as possible.
  4. Character Creation and Play  
  • We will create characters that fit the tone and setting of the campaign.
  • We will work with the DM to ensure our character's backstory integrates well into the campaign.
  • We will try as much as possible to make a character we can commit to for the entire campaign.
  5. Conflict Resolution  
  • We will resolve conflicts that arise at the gaming table through open and respectful discussion, or through the use of the safety tools we have chosen.
  6. In-Game Actions  
  • We will separate our in-game actions and character motivations from real-life relationships.
  • Thou shalt not meta-game
  • We will avoid actions that could make other players uncomfortable, such as graphic violence or mature themes, unless everyone at the table consents. Be aware of campaign content warnings. Do not introduce that content.
  7. Table Etiquette  
  • We will keep distractions (phones, tablets, other games, etc.) to a minimum during gameplay.
  • We will be mindful of side conversations and try to keep them relevant to the game.
  8. Rule Interpretation  
  • We will respect the DM's rulings during the game, and any disputes can be discussed and clarified after the session.
  9. Player Engagement  
  • We will actively engage in the story, role-play our characters, and contribute to the overall narrative.
  • If we are struggling to connect our characters we will work with the DM out of game on how we can create that engagement.
  10. Fun and Enjoyment  
  • We are here to have fun, and we will prioritize the enjoyment of everyone at the table.
  • We will support each other's creative ideas and contributions to the game.
  11. Feedback  
  • We will provide constructive feedback to help improve the overall gaming experience.
  12. Adaptability  
  • We understand that D&D is a dynamic game, and we will be open to unexpected twists and turns in the story.


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