The Vernuth

The Vernuth, or “Swamp Elves” are native to the swamplands and are evolved to handle the threats that the swamps present, including natural forms of camouflage. This makes them exceedingly good scouts, and hunters.  
  Ability Score Increase Increase one ability by +2 and two others by +1   Age Vernuth reach maturity and age the same as High Elves   Size Vernuth are small or medium creatures   Languages Vernuth can speak, read and write common and elven.   Dark Vision You can see in dim light within 60 ft as if in bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light, though only shades of gray not color.   Swampland Resistance You are resistant to poison damage and have advantage on saving throws against poison   Naturally Stealthy Vernuth are proficient in the stealth skill. Additionally if the Vernuth takes no movement or attack action on their turn while in total darkness, they are considered to be invisible.   Camouflage The Vernuth know the camouflage spell and may cast it as if it were a cantrip, targeting only themselves in this way.   For reference:   Camouflage   Components: V, S   Casting Time: 1 Standard Action   Range: Self   Target: Self   Duration: 10 Minutes     Throughout the duration of the spell, your coloration changes instantly to match the background of any new environment you enter, with no effort on your part. This effect grants you a +10 circumstance bonus on Stealth checks. This effect ends when you take, or deal damage.


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