Wearer of Blue

Background: The Wearers of Blue

  The Wearers of Blue are a clandestine organization of noble knights and champions of justice in the realms. Their primary allegiance lies not with any particular kingdom or monarch, but with the unwavering pursuit of justice.The origins of the Wearers of Blue are shrouded in mystery, lost to the annals of time. Some legends claim that the organization was founded centuries ago by a group of valiant knights who were disillusioned by the corruption and tyranny of the rulers they once served. These founding members, known only as the "Blue Knights," swore an oath to protect the innocent and uphold justice above all else. They adopted their distinctive blue armor and cloaks as a symbol of their commitment to this cause.  
  Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Investigation   Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set or a musical instrument   Equipment: A set of common clothes, a blue cloak with the emblem of the Wearers of Blue, a gaming set of your choice or a musical instrument of your choice, a belt pouch containing 15 gold pieces  

Feature: Agents of Justice

  As a member of the Wearers of Blue, you have access to a network of like-minded individuals dedicated to the pursuit of justice. This network can provide you with information, assistance, and safe havens in your travels. When you enter a city or settlement, you can seek out fellow members of the Wearers of Blue by using a predetermined signal or phrase. These allies may offer you aid, information on local matters, or even safe refuge in times of need.  

Personality Traits:

  Dutiful: You take your commitment to justice seriously and approach your responsibilities with a strong sense of duty.   Observant: You have a keen eye for detail, which helps you uncover hidden truths and spot signs of corruption.   Cautious: Your anonymity is crucial to your work, and you are always cautious when dealing with strangers or revealing your true identity.   Compassionate: You have a soft spot for the downtrodden and strive to alleviate their suffering whenever you can.   Resolute: Once you've made up your mind about something, it takes a lot to change it. Your determination is unwavering.  


  Justice: Justice must prevail, and you are willing to make personal sacrifices to ensure it does.   Equality: You believe in the equal treatment of all individuals, regardless of their station in life.   Freedom: You fight to protect the freedom and rights of all people, opposing any who seek to oppress or control them.   Vigilance: Constant vigilance is necessary to prevent corruption and tyranny from taking root.   Redemption: You believe in giving even the most corrupt individuals a chance at redemption and rehabilitation.  


  The Oath: Your bond to the oath of the Wearers of Blue is unbreakable. You would give your life to uphold it.   A Hidden Love: You have a secret love interest or family member who is unaware of your double life, and you fear that revealing it would put them in danger.   A Fellow Member: You share a deep bond with a fellow member of the Wearers of Blue, and you would go to great lengths to protect them.   A Personal Vendetta: You have a personal vendetta against a specific corrupt official or organization, and you are determined to bring them to justice.   A Stolen Artifact: A valuable artifact or relic was stolen on your watch, and you are determined to recover it and restore your honor.  


  Impatient: You have little patience for bureaucracy and often prefer to take matters into your own hands.   Reckless: Your passion for justice can sometimes lead you into dangerous situations without considering the consequences.   Secretive: You keep so many secrets that it's hard for you to trust others with the truth.   Guilt-Ridden: You carry the weight of past failures and can't forgive yourself for any innocent lives lost on your watch.   Overly Judgmental: You tend to pass harsh judgment on those who don't live up to your standards of justice and morality, even if they mean well.


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