
Yastan is a land that has been marked by internal fuedal battles for control of its empire off and on throughout its history. It has had longer term dynastys but also very short lived ones as well. As such its people are proud, and resilient. They follow closely understood cultural practices, with a strict sense of honor and dignity. Yastan is the most eastern country of the Nortlunds. It boasts several beautiful physical landmarks including gorgeous mountain vistas, and a cherry blossom forest. The palace at Laojing is heavily fortified, and the current Emperor operates the country's affairs from there.

Government in Yastan

The government of Yastan is an Empire whose borders do not extend beyond that of Yastan itself. The Yastanese empire refers to the city states that the fuedal lords rule over and how the emperor conqueored and united those states under one banner. The Emperor rules over Yastan, decrees its laws, oversees its customs and also ensures that the city states remain within the fold of the empire and peace and order are preserved.


Finance and economy are closely monitored and watched by the Empire. The tax rate in Yastan is the 3rd highest in the world, and the money from the people funds the Empire and its military operations. Every business must be registered with the Empire and there are royal accountants and tax collectors that regularly visit the cities and villages to ensure that the economic machine is in full swing. Primarily Yastan is a traditional coin for goods and services economy, however what those goods and services are is heavily regulated.

Religion in Yastan

Yastan reveres the New Gods

Life of the Noble Houses

Life of the Noble houses, from the ruling class through to the warrior class, is one of responsibility and honor. They see the duty to the people as one of incredible seriousness and it is not taken lightly.

Life Among the Commoners

Life among the commoners is one equally of duty but it is duty to family, duty to self, and of course duty to community. Every citizen of Yastan is aware of themselves as a part of a greater whole and finds meaning in how they can help to shape what that great whole looks like.

Facts and Lore

There have been more wars fought on Yastan Soil than any other Country. The Cherry Blossom Namyeong forest in the north is said to be a sacred site and many believe that there is some other worldly spiritual prescence within it. Deeply religious, most Yastanese pray to the New Gods for all manner of things throughout their day. They may be, in terms of regular prayer, the most deeply devoted culture. Some believe this is due to the history of war and restructuring of its government.

Major Towns & Cities

  • Ji-Fan
  • Seohang
  • Shaoyang
  • Kimoshiri
  • Port Yokotori
  • Port Yuanshan
  • Nonje
  • Port Taesu
  • Wonjin
  • Port Kara
  • Zhenshi
  • Korikawa
  • Port Shungsong
  • Port Atira

Demography and Population

50% Human 15% Harengon 15% Hobgoblin 20% Other

The Way of the Sword, The Heart of the Pen, The Hands of Devotion

Founding Date
1st Age
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Empire of Light
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
The following are local ways coins are referred to in Yastan:   Platinum - Blades   Gold - Cherry Blossoms   Silver - Snow Caps   Copper - Seeds
Controlled Territories


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