Helios Character in World of Wagakeya | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Crazy Sun King)

Helios is the Major God of Matter. He is one of the two rulers of the pantheon. He resembles the Sun of our solar system, but with a wide, sharp-toothed grin and manic, spiraling eyes (one red, one blue). Just like the real Sun, Helios is too bright to be looked at directly for very long. This inability to look at Helios drives the humility of his followers, who bow their heads to others as a sign of respect. Priests who worship Helios often value looking at problems from a different angle. Those with darker aspirations that worship Helios may carry hand mirrors with them, in order to keep an eye on that which they cannot normally see.   It is widely believed that Helios is the spirit of the sun that shines over Shoujin, although some Kenku scholars argue that there is nothing special about the sun and that any star in the sky could be the one that houses Helios. Those who draw their power from the sun are said to get their power from Helios. Clerics who worship Helios specialize in the Light Domain.   Helios is erratic and unpredictable. He is commonly described as manic, and occasionally has the moniker of being “the Crazy Sun King.” Paladins that follow the word of Helios tend to be Chaotic Good. They generally employ unconventional, sometimes ethically questionable methods to achieve their goals, but they always work for the greater good.

Divine Domains

Divine Classification
Major God

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