Biringan District

The brand new Biringan District in Aurumopolis sits just off the Gilded Way and was carved out of the holy Solargate area of the city. Its nucleus is the Bayani-Sun Casino, a formerly mid-level gambling house whose owners have rocketed to wealth and prominence in recent years. The Pit Patrol Adventuring Company is one of the many success stories that can be found here in the Kirinal Concordance Zone.

I remember when the Patrollers were just another squad of Pit Meat in training just like you sad sacks! Now they're mighty Kirinal Defenders and successful business owners who've faced down the worst that the ol' Pit could throw their way! I make sure that I drop in whenever I'm in the Gilded Zucchini!

A few years ago, what is now the Biringan District was a run-down forgotten corner off the main strip of Aurumopolis. That changed when the Pit Patrol Adventuring Company moved into the Bayani-Sun Casino. As the Patrol rose in wealth and power they took over ownership of the Casino. They renovated it and began buying the buildings around them. They converted the six blocks around them, eventually creating a trendy new neighborhood.

Some of the buildings are zoned for religious use while the ones on the Gilded Way are for entertainment. As a result, the Biringan District is a strange mix of houses of worship and buildings used for pleasure. Some examples are:

Bayani-Sun Casino

A luxurious high-stakes casino with a restaurant, bar, and theater. It serves as the headquarters and home of the Pit Patrol.

Oyx's Trading Center

A store full of the maharlitech creations of the dragonborn Oyxuysi Oyxuys.

R01d's Rune House

A drinking establishment that caters to large (and larger) sophonts established by T-R01D, The Death-Bound Revenant, a noted "admirer" of giant-kind.

Cover image: by Chris L - Midjourney


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