
Capital of the Blue Aria and Goblin Refuge

Jennook, also known as Jenny's Nook, is the main settlement on the Blue Aria of the Silversong Moon. This facet of the new moon has been settled by goblin refugees, both green and blue, who are fleeing persecution here on our home world. It is also the only access for skyships traveling to and from the moon from our own world.

After all the troubles the blues and the gobbos have been through recently, I'm glad they got a place of their own. Good ol' Spark is gonna take care of them. They say he's the smartest goblin in the world, but I've seen him fight and he's good at that too! I'm looking forward to visiting, I hear that they have best the sprouted rat you can eat up there!

The settlement of Jennook is named after Jenevieve, the goddess of second chances. She allowed goblin and blue goblin refugees fleeing persecution to settle on her moon.

They built the settlement of Jennook at the center of the facet under the leadership of Of the Forge the Spark. He is the true leader of the settlement, even though he refuses any formal role or titles.

Regardless of his protestations, Jennook has been built according to his exact specifications with sustainability and future growth in mind. The town contains all the maharlitech invention and creation that one would expect from the mind of the "world's smartest goblin."

The town contains a sky/spaceport that is the only official entry to the Silversong Moon. Spark has thoroughly thought out an efficient rail and road system with autonomous vehicles that pilot themselves without relying on hex crystals that can only be charged on the world below.

The overtown was designed as a showcase of goblin ingenuity and to welcome visitors curious to see the new moon. Undertown was designed for the comfort and use of the goblins themselves. They have tunneled down into the psychoactive material of the moon to create cozy dwellings for themselves.

Large town
Location under

Cover image: Silversong Moon Header by Chris L - DepositPhotos


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