
Those born on the Moon consider themselves a people apart—and why not? They are, after all, members of the first generations that have grown up free from the loving embrace of planet Earth. More than just having a natural affinity for low gravity, slightly longer limbs, and less muscle and bone density, Loonies are different because they no longer see Earth as home. This has fostered a fierce independent streak in most Loonies, many of whom see themselves as a minority in the thrall of Earth-bound megacorps or far-off governments. A particular sticking point is that Heinlein, the largest settlement on Luna, is simply the twelfth district of New Angeles, a city almost four hundred thousand kilometers away. It is sentiments like this that sparked the Worlds War, and though Earth might consider it part of the past, many Loonies have long memories.

Growing up on the Moon teaches Loonies self-reliance in a way no place on Earth could. When you can’t even take the air you breathe or the shielding that protects you from lethal radiation for granted, you learn pretty quickly to be aware of everything in the environment around you. Almost every Loonie has a tale about a time when the scrubbers went out in their dome or when they were doing a Luna walk, their suit tore, and they had to stumble home watching the O2 meter tick down.


Loonies are the most agile of all the archetypes, and they make exceptional pilots and drivers. Their instincts for speed and spatial awareness are second to none. While they may not be as strong or tough as other characters, they have excellent coordination and reflexes, and they are just as smart and personable as anyone else.

In New Angeles, Loonies are survivalists and outsiders. They are just strange enough that they will probably never fully fit in anywhere outside the domes and tunnels of Heinlein and the rest of Luna. In the megalopolis, they often lend their talents to those who are outlawed or in subcultures on the fringe of society, because chances are those subcultures have found a haven somewhere on the Moon. If you want to play an incredibly agile pilot, a revolutionary hell-bent on freeing their home from imperialist oppression, or a grizzled spacer at home above Earth’s atmosphere, a Loonie is the right choice for you.


  • Starting Wound Threshold: 9+Brawn
  • Starting Strain Threshold: 11+Willpower
  • Starting Experience: 100

  • Starting Skills: A Loonie starts with one rank in Coordination. They obtain this rank before spending experience points, and this skill may not be increased higher than rank 2 during character creation.
  • Zero-G Adept: A Loonie does not count zero-gravity environments as difficult terrain.
  • Resourceful: Once per session after making a skill check, you may spend a Story Point to have your character reroll up to two dice in the pool.



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