Salted Ink

don't talk of Ink with your beak full of salt
Salted Ink is made by diluting Ink with alcohol and purified seawater. Some Tanuli swear by its medicinal properties, but others don't see beyond its ability to intoxicate. Salting and drinking another's Ink is a binding ritual, resulting in the power to passively influence the other.


Material Characteristics

In a clear bottle, salted Ink looks like water with shimmering flecks of black, purple, or blue sparkling inside. The more Ink, the darker the color; the more alcohol, the more shimmery the flecks.

Origin & Source

The Ink used in salted Ink is often the maker's own, but the source of the Ink is an important component of its taste and effects.

History & Usage


The history of salted Ink is synonymous with the history of alcohol. Little Circle gifted the Tanuli people alcohol as an entertaining way for them to pass the time with more fluid and carefree social interactions when in groups and with a greater joy in experiencing the world even when alone.   Ink has always been consumed by Tanuli people as a way of protecting themselves against poison, but it is known to be addictive. Originally, diluting Ink with alcohol just made the consumption of Ink more pleasant, but soon people were trying the drink who'd never had Ink at all before. This made attitudes toward Ink eating more positive, although there is still wariness and caution.

Everyday use

Only a few drops of salted Ink are necessary to experience an intoxicating euphoria.

Cultural Significance and Usage

The source of the Ink is important as it determines the secondary effects of Ink-eating. If someone drinks their own Ink, they are reasonably protected against adverse side effects, but a sign of a good match between people is whether the other's Ink is harmful to the other. Ink-compatible relationships are an important component of ink-binding rituals.   Ink-binding connects two people such that one can control the other by passive influence. Neither may know that the source of their actions is an ink-bound partner's will, but the two shall be forever entwined. Forcibly ink-binding someone in order to have power over them forever is one of the worst crimes someone is capable of committing.
Common State


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Aug 20, 2023 18:22 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

this is an interesting idea - it needs cross links into other places in your world so that readers can explore if they are curious as I was about Ink!

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