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Nahydrian Crystal

Nahydrian crystal
0 GP
CL 30th
WEIGHT 3 lbs.
AURA overwhelming conjuration and necromancy [evil]
Normally, when a demon lord is slain while its Abyssal resurrection ability has already been used, its body joins the countless others petrified into the walls of the Rift of Repose. The demon lord Nocticula discovered a method to bypass this, however, and now any demon lord slain by her is instead absorbed into her realm, creating an island in her domain. The demon lord's personality and themes influence the nature of this newly formed isle, but little of its physical form remains, save for its ichor. This lifeblood fossilizes deep within the island into Nahydrian crystals.   The majority of Nahydrian crystals are flawed, but the most perfect of them retain the mythic power of their demonic source. These Nahydrian crystals have a hardness 30 and 120 hit points, and can be used in the creation of various powerful items.   Nahydrian crystals feel cold to the touch, and contact with one can be debilitating. When a creature touches a Nahydrian crystal, it takes 1d4 points of Wisdom drain as flashes of horrific anguish flood the creature's mind (Fortitude DC 25 negates). A creature can only be affected in this way by a Nahydrian crystal once in a 24-hour period.   A creature that carries Nahyrdian crystal on its person (even if the crystal is carried in an extradimensional space, such as a bag of holding) gains 2 negative levels; creatures with both the chaotic and evil subtypes only gain 1 negative level in this manner. These negative levels remain as long as the crystal is carried, and is removed once the crystal is abandoned. The negative levels from multiple Nahydrian crystals stack. These negative levels never result in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way while the crystal is possessed (including via restoration spells). A creature who carries enough Nahydrian crystals to gain enough negative levels to equal or exceed its Hit Dice immediately dies- a humanoid slain in this manner immediately rises as an advanced bodak.   A Nahydrian crystal cannot be teleported. Anyone attempting to use a teleportation effect on a creature carrying a Nahydrian crystal (including the creature itself) must attempt a DC 30 caster level check. If the caster fails the check, the spell doesn't work and is wasted; otherwise, the spell works normally, but any Nahydrian crystals carried by the teleporter remain behind, dropping to the ground where the teleporter was previously standing.

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