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Nurah Dendiwhar

Nurah Dendiwhar originally came to the Worldwound at the age of 20, the youngest member of Lord Axilar Trezbot's entourage from Isger. Her master was abusive of Nurah, and her master had an obsession of achievement in the Fourth Mendevian Crusade. He pulled Nurah into battle alongside him, forcing her to serve as both a scribe for his exploits and as a tactician for directing his troops to try to take Drezen. Over time, Nurah came to relish in the carnage, having been desensitized to fiends after her years abused in Isger and Cheliax. She grew to admire the demons, peaking when a group of tiefling assassins and babaus led by a possessed crusader tore apart Lord Axilar's legion, and unexpectedly freed her from servitude when they slew her master before her very eyes.   At that very point, she immediately pledged her service to the demons, and the commander of the victorious demons revealed himself to be Eustoriax. Eustoriax accepted her srrender, and sent her with several other prisoners to Raliscrad to be processed. There, the lilitu demon Minagho saw the potential in Nurah's tainted soul, and, after making sure her change of allegiance was real, senter her back to the crusaders as a spy for the Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth.   Since then, she has excelled in the role of long-term saboteur. She greatly enjoys going virtually unnoticed and unsuspected as she passes information to her masters, asll while arranging the deaths of the more devout crusaders in the Worldwound. Being assigned to Queen Galfrey as one of several advisors was the result of many months of nerve-wracking machinations, and when the queen asked Nurah to assist the party, she was, at first, secretly frustrated at having to give up her position at the queen's side. But, as she learned more about the party, she found herself personally engineering their fall from grace as an even greater challenge and triumph than bringing low the queen herself.   She was, ultimately, found out by the PCs and {forgot the fate here}.

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