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Session X: The Attack on Grey Garrison, Pt. 3 Report

General Summary

The party returns to their hidey hole to the north of the Grey Garrison. The party takes the two "bodies" they recovered, Kandro Nyserian, and Lord Hulrun. The sounds of battle slowly die down over the course of an hour, the sign that the distraction battle is ending, and the distraction party is returning to camp for a rest for the day. After burying the bodies, the party proceeds to get some rest.  
  In the morning, the party returns to The Grey Garrison and resumes their attack on the Grey Garrison. Irabeth Tirabade uses the communication stone to let the distraction group know they are ready to begin. The party sneaks around the West. They notice a window that is on the second floor that hasn't been boarded up. Bosco uses the Terendelev's Scales of Levitation to levitate Yuhia up to the second floor window. At the window, they find it is barred, preventing the window from opening. They try the Chime of Opening to open the shutter, and the bar falls onto the floor, allowing the window to open. Reid makes Yuhia invisible, and she heads inside.  
Inside, she finds a closet that is just filled with bird crap. Its devoid of all life, and it smells. This is definitely an aviary, which has since been cleared out. Yuhia drops down a rope, and Jorryn climbs up the rope to the second level. Yuhia opens up the door to the closet, and he discovers a room filled with Demonic Flies, the size of a small human. Jorryn begins by casting Iron Skin. Bosco begins climbing up the rope, and then Reid climbs up after them. The first giant fly attempts to bite Jorryn and does not succeed. Yuhia stabs the fly. A second fly comes up and breathes fire on Yuhia and Jorryn. A third fly does the same, damaging the two in the closet. The fourth fly flies up and hits Jorryn.   Irabeth then attempts to climb up the rope, but fails. Jorryn then slices up the first fly, ending it. Bosco casts Daylight on his blade, and fills the area with lots of bright light. Reid casts Glitterdust at the flies, and they go blind, except for one. Yuhia then slices up the blind fly, and ends its existence. The blind flies then attempt to slice at air, and it does not succeed. Setra, still on the ground, slices two arrows into the fly currently flying. Irabeth continues to attempt to climb up and fails. Reid then fires some Magic Missiles into the room. Yuhia then hits the flying creature above, and then moves aside, allowing his compatriots to begin to attack. Irabeth, still struggling, has a hard time climbing up the rope. Back inside the room, Jorryn enters the room, and Bosco slides into the closet, flinging a starknife at the flies, which misses. Reid moves in and daggers the fly from flank. Yuhia then slices through the flies more. Setra then helps Irabeth climb up the rope, and Irabeth climbs up to the second floor. Bosco slides around to flank the fly, and then stabs it in the back. Yuhia then moves up and slices up the fly, ending combat.  
Afterwards, the rest of the party climbs into the room, and searches around the room. They exit the second floor room to a hallway. In the hallway, a shot rings at Yuhia as they exit the room. Setra then casts Gravity Bow on themselves. Jorryn and Bosco casts Divine Favor, and then the guy who shot the arrow retreats. Yuhia then moves around the corner and gets pelted with arrows and glaives, almost bringing her down. Reid then moves around and gives Yuhia some false life to help. The cultist up front switches to a dagger and swings at Yuhia. Setra sails an arrow past a cultist, and then the cultists start stacking up to attack the incoming party. Yuhia slices on the foe in front of her, and Reid moves up and Glitterdusts the back line, blinding 75% of the back line.  
A cultist moves up and stabs Irabeth, then a door explodes behind Yuhia, revealing a Schir, which Yuhia deflects. Irabeth moves over and heals herself. Setra then shoots a cultist from the end of the corridor. Jorryn then moves up and heals Yuhia, while Bosco moves up and attracts some Attacks of Opportunity. Yuhia switches to the creature that burst through the door, while Reid moves up and missiles a cultist, bringing it down. Irabeth then heals Bosco, maintaining a line of defense, while keeping up the pressure on the cultists. The not-blind cultists start shooting down the hallway, as they start to recover from the Glitterdust. Jorryn moves in to start sweeping up the hallway with his sword, while Bosco and Yuhia attacks the Schir. Irabeth gets a sound strike on one of the cultists, but misses when the cultist withdraws from the battle. Setra moves through and gets hit by the Schir, but then snipes one of the cultists through his head. Some of the tieflings begin retreating out the hallway and down the stairs.   As the enemies start clearing out, Reid moves up and greases the Schir's weapon. The remaining cultists attempt to start attacking the party. The party starts whittling down the HP of the Schir, while they hear the cultists start to clear out from the building, attempting to escape. Bosco runs after the groups running away. Reid yells to the Mongrelmen to go attack the fleeing creatures. The Mongrelmen then jump down to the first floor to block the front door. The party then sandwiches the fleeting cultists between them and the Mongrelmen and cut down the cultists and tieflings down to zero.  
After taking assessment of the situation, looking through the rooms and taking stock of what they have retrieved. They begin searching the rooms, looking for various things. They locate a conference room which details plans of attack and troop movements, and a scroll of restoration. They decide to enter into the north room, and they encounter a Peryton, which strikes at the party as it flies into the hallway. Reid missiles the Peryton, and Bosco moves up to strike at the Peryton. Setra moves back, and stabs at the creature. Irabeth orders the mongrelmen to get out of the way, and she moves up and misses. The Peryton then strikes down at Bosco. Reid and Bosco attempt to strike at the creature, but they miss horribly. Jorryn takes a chunk out of the Peryton's gullet, and the Peryton continues evicerating Bosco. Bosco strikes at the Peryton and retreats, with Jorryn stepping in his place. The Mongrelmen attempt to fill the Peryton with holes, while Yuhia stabs at the creature, bringing it down.
Session Date
August 24, 2019
In-Game Starting Date
History Entries
Wrath of the Righteous
Reid Moore
17-Level Sorcerer (Wildblooded Sage)
17-Level Ranger
Jorryn K'Thral
17-Level Cleric
Yuhia Zhir
17-Level Paladin
Bosco Dieh
15-Level Bard (Fortune-Teller) 1-Level Oracle (Dual-Cursed) 1-Level Sorcerer (Eldritch Scion)
Report Date
16 Jan 2021

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