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Session XIV: The Rough Temple Report

General Summary

Continuing on from the rubble pile, the party discovers a hole that has caved in the east wall, and assesses that the wall would take too much work to clear through. Instead, the party decides to head south to some double doors. The doors look like they are rusted over and haven't been used in a very long time. Inside, they find a vaulted ceiling of a massive sanctuary. The stained glass windows sit smashed and stretch in narrow bands above the doors. Four angelic statutes occupy each corner of the room, their faces cracked and broken beyond recognition. An altar sits against the southern wall, befouled with grime and filth.  
Inside, the party discovers a pack of ghouls that are littered throughout the room. They immediately perk up and rise to attack the party. Setra pulls her bow out and casts Gravity Bow. Reid then studies the enemies, and warns everyone not to allow the ghouls to bite them. Reid then releases a web that spreads out throughout the room and holds down some ghouls. One of the ghouls trapped by the web escapes and heads to a door. The other one also escapes and heads back into the room, waiting for the party to enter.   Yuhia then steps forward into the room and slices up one ghoul, Bosco then casts Inspire Courage and moves to one of the side doors, noticing one of the ghouls is standing in front of the door. Another group then flanks Yuhia while Jorryn casts Iron Skin to stand in front of Setra. Setra then pulls back her bow and fires off some shots, but misjudges one of the shots and snaps the bow into her face, stunning her. Reid then pulls out some slingshot pellets and uses Telekinetic Volley to shoot one of the Ghouls killing it, and then one moves up to Bosco to slice at him, while another Ghoul charges over the dead body of his compatriot and attacks Yuhia, and two others move up to surround Jorryn. Yuhia then slices up one of the ghouls, and then slices at the one that charged him, then moves back to give Reid the chance to blind it.   Outside, Bosco moves away and throws at the Ghoul, dealing some damage while a Ghoul moves up at Bosco and misses. Jorryn then charges his bastard sword with positive energy, and then Setra downs another Ghoul, as Reid moves over and throws a Telekinetic Volley at one of the ghouls, which moves up and channels negative energy against Bosco, Reid, and Yuhia. The one trapped inside the door moves over to Yuhia and attempts to hit her, but misses. Another ghoul moves up to Setra and swipes wildly at Setra and doesn't land a blow. Yuhia then slices off the head of the ghoul blocking the door, while shanking another one on the other side of her. Bosco then uses his Starknife to shank a ghoul, and moves back, then moves over to Reid and tries to bite, but misses. Jorryn then slides over and deals a bunch of damage using Channel Positive Energy. Setra sends a volley of arrows against a ghoul and downs it, while Reid flings a pellet at another ghoul, while it charges Reid and bites him, paralyzing him.   The Ghoul nearby Setra moves ahead, and he claws up Setra, while another Ghoul slices up Yuhia, and Yuhia returns the favor with a huge strike, and a self-heal. Bosco then moves up and does some damage, while Jorryn moves over and slices up the ghoul in front of Setra, ending a chunk of the Ghoul's shoulder. Setra then takes the attack of opportunity, but the ghoul misses while Setra shoots at the ghoul that paralyzed Reid, taking some damage down. That ghoul then attacks Bosco, paralyzing him, while another Ghoul moves around Jorryn and claws up Setra. Yuhia then heads outside to try to save Setra and smacks his head on the door. Jorryn then sends some energy into his sword, taking out the Ghoul that was damaging Setra. Setra then takes a snipe at the last ghoul's head, ending combat.   Finally, after Reid and Bosco comes out of paralysis, and they take stock of their surroundings. They move inside the used-to-be-ghoul-filled chapel. They find that the statues inside were originally a temple to Iomedae. Bosco, Yuhia, and Setra move up to the altar and notice a hidden place under the stairs, and they find a sizable lead box anchored to the ground. The party decides to continue exploring the area, and they see that there's a courtyard beyond the portcullis. They decide to head through the doors to the east and head inside. Jorryn decides to reload a spell for concencrate to end the desecration spell. They head over to the hidden box, look for traps and activate the latch. Yuhia opens the latch and four steps open, and they find 800 bottles of cure light wounds. They close the cache and decide to move on, letting the army recover it later.   Heading onto the next room, they find an empty room with stone tables, two deceased soldiers seem to be hanging from the rafters, and a well. Inside, they found a little bit of water. They find a push door to the east, and find a kitchen beyond with no one inside, and two doors, one to the north and one to east. The party takes the door to the east, but it is locked. Setra tries unlocking the door, but she fails. She then tries again, and unlocks the door, heading inside. Inside, they find ghouls and another creature inside, Nulkineth.  
Setra starts off the fight, hitting twice, and missing once, killing a ghoul. Yuhia then move in, a ghoul takes an attack as he moves across, and Yuhia misses the ghoul. A ghoul in the corner charges Yuhia, and practically trips up, flanking. Another group further on in the room piles in and smacks his head on the table, damaging Yuhia. Another ghoul moves up and then the Nulkineth moves up, pushing Unholy Blight in the room with the party, causing some damage to the good members of the party, sickening Bosco. Jorryn casts stoneskin, and Bosco goes to hurl in the corner of the room. Reid launches a Web Bolt, tying Nulkineth to the ground.   Setra moves to behind Reid and tries to deal some damage, but the cover problems cause an issue. Yuhia swings at a ghoul and kills it, but almost falls over as it dies. Another ghoul moves up and damages Yuhia, while another Ghoul. Nulkineth uses Alchemist Fire to burn away the webs. Jorryn then channels to heal everyone, while Bosco continues to hurl in the corner. Reid then attempts to blind Nulkineth with Glitterdust but fails. Setra then sails a few arrows over Yuhia's head, but she pulls her bow wrong, hitting it her in the face. Yuhia misses and lets go of her blade, throwing it a little. He then reels back with his offhand and does some damage. Nulkeneth then points to the center of the party's room and silences the room. Jorryn then moves up and does some damage. Bosco moves in and passes by the ghouls, heading up to Nulkeneth. Reid then launches an Arcane Bolt, but hits the side of the wall.   Setra then pushes a few arrows over everyone's head and actually gets a hit in at Nulkeneth. Yuhia then picks up Radiance and strikes down another ghoul. The last ghoul then moves up and attempts to strike Jorryn, but fails. Nulkeneth then swings his battle aspergillium, smacking Bosco in the face twice. Jorryn then smacks a ghoul out of the way. Bosco then attempts to attack, but fails, and takes a 5 foot step back. Reid attempts to dispel magic, but fails as well.   Setra then sends a few more arrows over the head of Jorryn, causing some damage against Nulkeneth. Yuhia then moves up, smiting Nulkeneth, and does a significant amount of damage. Nulkeneth then uses a burst of speed to get up to Reid to damage him, doing some damage. Jorryn then moves up and fails to hit. Bosco then throws a starknife at Nulkeneth but fails. Reid attempts to blind Nulkeneth, but fails again.   Setra then empties some arrows into Nulkeneth, causing some damage. Yuhia then moves up and does some damage. While Nulkeneth pushes a burst of speed to get out of the room, heading back out from where they came. Jorryn heads after him, and launches of spear of purity. Bosco then waits as Reid shouts after him, getting haste on everyone, and moves after Nulkeneth. Bosco then tries to search the room, finding some stuff.   Setra then follows after Nulkeneth, throwing an arrow, and double-moves out of the room. Yuhia sticks around with Bosco and defends Bosco, healing him up. Nulkeneth then takes to the air, while Jorryn casts Shield of Wings and heads after him. Reid continues after Nulkeneth, but can't see Jorryn. Setra then attempts to follow, taking a shot, but instead hits herself in the head. Yuhia then heads after the party. Nulkeneth then takes a dive, heading off towards Drezen.   The party then collects themselves and heals up a little bit, while a loud bang is heard in the courtyard, and a door is heard opening in the kitchen. The loud bang is some kind of teleportation displacement spell. Reid peeks around the corner to the north. Yuhia then looks inside, while Setra moves up and sees this nasty creature.
  Jorryn then moves up in front of Setra, hovering, seeing the Nabasu, he then calls out to it "You, demon," and it responds, "You, edible." The Nabasu moves up and causes Setra to get a negative level, biting Setra on the shoulder. Bosco then tells Setra to back up and uses Inspire Courage, hiding behind a desk. Reid then moves up and figure out what it is, and then uses Glitterdust to try to blind the Nabasu, but fails. Yuhia then moves up behind Setra, while Setra withdraws into the temple. Jorryn then casts divine favor, while the nabasu moves up to try to remove Yuhia out of the can, dealing some damage. Bosco then readies a spell to defend against darkness. Reid then slings some damage against the nabasu. Setra then slings an evil outsider slaying arrow against the Nabasu and does a significant amount of damage. Jorryn then moves up and does no damage. The nabasu then teleports next to Reid and Setra. Bosco then chucks a starknife at the Nabasu and Reid attempts to enfeeble the nabasu, but misses. Yuhia then smites the Nabasu, criting it, slicing it in half, ending its life.   The party then cleans up the rest of the place, finding a knight's pennon, a gold holy symb of Sarenrae, and some gems. They also find two humans that were unconscious. They then clean up the temple, and Radiance levels up. The party heads back to camp and rallies the troops to retrieve the cache, clean up the ruins, and they head west towards Drezen once again the next day.  
After a half a day of travel, the army happens upon a cloud. Anevia, which has been scouting, tells the army that there is a green milky cloud ahead. The party decides to go check it out. The party gets close, and it sounds like a chittering cacophony of bugs. These little creatures are called vescavors.
  These swarming creatures seem to be covering the entire valley, and there are millions of them in this valley, covering every inch, and extending for miles. Reid determines there is a queen nearby, which he notices that there a swarm coming out a cavern. Setra notices a small side path to get into the cavern. The party has a lengthy discussion on how to deal with the situation. Yuhia determines that they are resistant to fire. Watching the cavern of the exit, the party notices that the cavern has random bursts of when the vescavors are coming out. The party discusses options further, and decides to take the path up to the cavern.
Session Date
September 23, 2019
In-Game Starting Date
  History Entries
Wrath of the Righteous
Reid Moore
17-Level Sorcerer (Wildblooded Sage)
17-Level Ranger
Jorryn K'Thral
17-Level Cleric
Yuhia Zhir
17-Level Paladin
Bosco Dieh
15-Level Bard (Fortune-Teller) 1-Level Oracle (Dual-Cursed) 1-Level Sorcerer (Eldritch Scion)
Report Date
04 Jun 2021

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