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Session XVI: The Multi-headed Death Kitty Report

General Summary

In the morning, there is a roar coming from Drezen. There is a black dart that comes out and completely crushes a crusader. The Paladins all pull out their bows and fire at it, and it does nothing. Its 15 feet tall and has body of a lion, and three heads: a lion, a dragon, and a goat.  
The large creature breathes out a large cone of cold and piercing damage on Yuhia Zhir, Reid Moore, and Jorryn K'Thral, and it makes three paladins pass out from the damage. Reid Moore finds out that it is a Chimera. Reid Moore then casts slow on the Chimera, and moves away. Bosco steps out of the tent and uses inspire courage, bolstering Setra. Setra then unleashes three arrows, dealing some damage. Yuhia Zhir smites the Chimera and moves up, and throws Radiance over the Chimera, and it lands on the ground. Jorryn K'Thral then moves over and heals two paladins with channel energy.   The Chimera then bites Yuhia Zhir, followed by a second bite on Yuhia Zhir again. Reid Moore then casts glitterdust on the Chimera, while Bosco Dieh casts eagle's splendor on himself, and uses deadly throw on the creature. Setra then releases another volley against the creature which lands significantly against the creature. Yuhia Zhir moves around and the Chimera bites on Yuhia Zhir. Jorryn K'Thral then casts divine power on himself, while the Chimera chomps on Yuhia Zhir, but misses his second attack.   Reid Moore then uses ray of enfeeblement against the Chimera, and it zaps some strength from it. Bosco Dieh then releases a deadly throw against the demon, and, dealing some significant damage. Setra then lets loose more arrows into the Chimera, which kills it. As it dies, a purple energy is released from its body, and it dissipates into the atmosphere, which the party is not able to identify.
  The party then assembles and discusses their next move, examining the creature. The army then cleans up, loads up and moves over to Paradise Hill.  

The Mass Combat at Paradise Hill

The army assembles to fight against an army of Schirs. The paladin army starts off with an Aggressive, Expert Flankers, smiting the enemies, dealing some damage before going into the melee phase. The armies meet on the hill, and the Paladins stumble as they go up the hill, getting stuck as they go up the hill, and the Schirs take advantage and attacking. The next round, the paladins return back to Standard tactics and heal up, while the Schirs switch to aggressive and begin their attack, but they overextend and they stumble. The paladins take advantage and switch to Reckless Expert Flankers while the Schirs switch down to Standard and take a defensive stance. The attack then routs the Schir army, and the paladins take one parting shot as the fight ends, killing most of the Schirs.   The army rescues a number of prisoners numbering 200, which gives the army another group to attack with.  

Over at the Watchtowers

The party discusses the best way to attack the Watchtowers. The party decides to attack the north east tower first. They attack heading up the tower and find a trebuchet at the top, seeing some Brimoraks at the top, attending to the trebuchet. Yuhia Zhir starts off by moving over towards the demon. Bosco Dieh moves up and uses inspire courage. Setra moves up to the top of the stairs, shooting a shot at one of the Brimorak. Reid moves up to the top of the stairs and casts slow, which one of the Brimorak is slowed. The slowed Brimorak fires a fireball into the air. The normal Brimorak attempts a summon, while Jorryn K'Thral casts holy smite on the Brimoraks, dealing some damage, and keeping the summon. The other Brimorak fails the save and is blinded as well. Yuhia Zhir moves up and smites the summoning creature, and deals some significant damage, and the Brimorak loses the summon.   Bosco Dieh uses ricochet shot, but misses the Brimorak. Setra moves up and uses fleet charge on the slowed Brimorak, which she releases a set of arrows against the Brimorak, which kills him. Reid Moore then moves around, trying to get a bead on the second Brimorak. After that, a third Brimorak appears, moving up to Yuhia Zhir, which breathes on Reid Moore for some fire damage. The two Brimorak then uses smoke breath, and the one at the top of the stairs then uses boiling blood to deal some damage against Yuhia Zhir. Jorryn K'Thral moves over to Bosco Dieh and buffs him.   Yuhia Zhir then unloads on the first Brimorak, and deals some damage, but boiling blood does some blowback damage. Bosco Dieh then deals some damage against the new Brimorak, while Setra moves up and unloads on the Brimorak from behind, sending him back to the Abyss. Reid Moore looks over the trebuchet, trying to figure out how to disable it. Jorryn K'Thral steps up on the stairs, while Yuhia Zhir uses divine favor.   Another Brimorak pops in, and Bosco Dieh is forced to make a stank breath save. Bosco Dieh then restarts his inspire courage, while Setra unloads on the new Brimorak arrived, dealing some significant damage, killing it. Another Brimorak then appears next to Bosco Dieh, breathing on it, while yet another Brimorak arrives and breathes on Bosco Dieh, sickening him.   Reid Moore then casts haste on the party as another Brimorak arrives and moves up on Setra, while Jorryn K'Thral casts holy smite on the two Brimorak next to Bosco Dieh, which blinds them and damages them. Yuhia Zhir moves over next to the Brimorak next to Setra and deals some damage. Bosco Dieh then damages the Brimorak that appeared in front of him.   Setra moves away from her attacker, and damages him to end his life, and then unloads into the other Brimorak above. Reid Moore then casts grease on the two Brimorak, making one stumble and fall, as another one appears in the tower. Jorryn K'Thral moves up and attacks the newcomer. Bosco Dieh then unloads two starknives into the prone Brimorak and kills it, while Setra unloads more arrows into the Brimorak which kills it. The last Brimorak then moves up to Jorryn K'Thral and damages it. Jorryn K'Thral responds with two attacks to the Brimorak face. Finally, Yuhia Zhir unloads on the Brimorak, ending combat.   The party gathers itself and proclaims their victory.  

The attack on Drezen Citadel

Irabeth Tirabade gathers the party together to discuss the next steps to clear out Drezen. She explains that its fully defended by a majority of the defenses. They discuss the best ways to attack the citadel. There are three armies defending the outer perimeter of Drezen Citadel: Cultist, Dretch and Tiefling, with two armies that the party has: Paladin and Survivors. Starting off the battle, they discuss the best tactics to begin. They decide to be more cautious to make sure that they don't lose too much damage. The main paladins will be focused on aggression and Spellbreaker, and attack the Dretch army.   The Dretch army releases a significant blast against the Paladins, dealing some serious damage, almost wiping it out, but the Dretch army is routed and destroyed. The Tiefling army isn't able to hit, and then they go into the Melee phase. The Paladins switch to Cautious, and then begin healing up with a lot of healing. They decide the Mercanaries are going to attack the Tieflings. On the enemy side, the Cultists attack the Mercenaries, which routs them, while the Mercanaries completely miss and are routed.   On the next round, the paladins decide to keep Cautious and attack the Tiefling army. The cultists push to Reckless, but their overextension makes them trip up, while the Tiefling army can't do any damage this round. The Paladins move to Standard, and decide to go full on the attack. The Tiefling army can't get past the Paladin defenses, while the Paladins rout the Tiefling army, sending it running. The Paladins switch to Withdraw Defensive and they channel as they Retreat, which the Cultists try to attack as they leave, but Paladins get away unharmed.   On the next ranged phase, the Paladins switch to Expert Flankers Smite in Reckless Stance to get the most amount of attack value, which the Cultists are completely obliterated in the Ranged phase, killing almost all of them.   After the battle, the remaining part of the enemy army of Citadel Drezen retreats into the inner walls and closes the doors tight. The Paladin Army recovers those that were left from the Prisoner army, and they return back to base camp for celebration and a night of rest.
In the morning, Irabeth Tirabade lays out what the army is going to do: Aravashnial is going to scout out the Drezen city ruins for supplies, Aron Kir and Anevia Tirabade is going to try to distract the people inside. Horgus Gwerm is going to go find supplies around the area. Irabeth Tirabade is going to help by basically rattling sabers outside to distract them inside. Aron Kir gives the party a map, but admits that it is quite old: 75 years old. He explains a few tidbits that he thinks he knows about the Citadel.   Reid Moore thinks that the best bet would be to dimension door inside the Citadel, but Aravashnial explains there is a definite chance that using it would hurt if they missed. Reid Moore tries to figure out if there is a way to scry inside to get a better position. They decide the best bet would be to get close to the walls on the North and be able to see where they are going. Reid Moore decides to cast clairvoyance/clairaudience to try to figure out a best location to get into. The sensor ended up in a vacant hallway with two doors on either side. Reid Moore then transports everyone inside in three total trips. Inside, Reid Moore casts invisibility sphere.
Session Date
October 6, 2019
In-Game Starting Date
  History Entries
Wrath of the Righteous
Reid Moore
17-Level Sorcerer (Wildblooded Sage)
17-Level Ranger
Jorryn K'Thral
17-Level Cleric
Yuhia Zhir
17-Level Paladin
Bosco Dieh
15-Level Bard (Fortune-Teller) 1-Level Oracle (Dual-Cursed) 1-Level Sorcerer (Eldritch Scion)
Report Date
06 Oct 2019
Primary Location

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