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Session III: Destroying the Mongrelmen Traitor Den Report

General Summary

After dispatching the mongrelmen traitors, the party examines the corpses that they have left behind, taking what they could from the traitors. From the elusive archer mongrelman, they were able to pull quite a few supplies, and they put them as part of the party pile. With that, Yuhia starts exploring the room they ended up in. As she opens the door, it opens inwards and it is a slippery slope into a trash pile. As Yuhia slides out from underneath the trash pile at the bottom of the slide, a giant amoeba rises to attack. Yuhia fights off the Amoeba and the party helps her get out of the trash heap. They close the door for good measure and decide its best to just stay out of that room.  
After cleaning up Yuhia, the party returns to the previous room, looking at the side door. On the other side of the door, an angry monitor lizard hisses at them and attacks. After a few rounds of combat, they dispatch the creature and explore the room, which has plenty of dried meat. The party decides to collect some of it for use in case they need the extra rations in the future and moves on.  
During the confrontation with the monitor lizard, Yuhia notices that there is someone peeking from the north door. The party dispatches the monitor lizard and stacks up on the door, heading inside to see a few cultists. Running inside, the cultists, caught off-guard by the party’s quick push into the door is pushed against the side walls. Reid bursts through the party line and throws a color spray on the cultists to the East, and they go unconscious. The two west cultists grasp their holy symbols and spread damage to everyone with a channel negative energy. Jorryn walks over and does a coupe de grace on one of the unconscious cultists. Shoving the two west cultists against the wall, the rest party takes out the remainder of the cultists, and leaves the last cultist, which the party quickly ties up.   After a short interrogation, which the cultist does not talk, the party executes the last remaining cultist and loots the rest of the bodies. Looking to the north, they see a ladder leading up to the north, and a door to the east, which they decide to stay on the current level and explore the east door. They find a corridor which ends in a well, leading down into the water with a small platform. Aurius decides to climb down onto the platform and is attacked by some Giant Gar. Yuhia climbs down onto the platform and starts slicing up the Gars. Eventually, the gars retreat after they take enough damage and descend into the underground river, going out of sight. After they look around, they notice a secret door to the east.   The party works together to open the secret door and it leads into a small room which contains two chests. Skeptical about their prize, Yuhia is the only one that goes into the room. She inspects the chests and notices that there is a string attached to the bottom of the chests. Reid and Jorryn goes up the ladder. Bosco stays on the platform, and Aurius bobs in the water. Yuhia decides to cut the string, and she plummets into the pit that is revealed to open. Yuhia lands on four spikes and she goes unconscious. Jorryn channels to save Yuhia. Aurius climbs down carefully to recover Yuhia and get her from the spikes. After she is healed up, the Yuhia climbs onto the shoulders of Aurius and they tie a rope around both chests. They then get out of the pit and pull the chests out into the water, then pull them up the ladder. Opening the chests, they find that the first chest is empty, and the second chest contains a treasure trove of various items.  
After identifying the items, the party decides it will be prudent to go up the ladder. At the top, Aurius discovers that the room above is infested with Giant Dire Rats, and to the east, arrows are fired from behind cover. Reid attempts to slide past the rats but ends up getting his ankles bit. Reid then Color Sprays the rats, which sends them into unconciousness. The party then heads down the hallway to deal with the mongrelmen, while the angered Reid starts slicing the throats of the rats one at a time before they wake up.   After the party dispatches the rats and the mongrelmen, the party takes note of their resources and decides that they are low on daily resources. Retreating back to the south east room, they put a chair on top of the hole, and close the doors, barricading them while they doze off to sleep.    

Chapter 6 - Night in the Mongrelmen Traitor Lair

The party decides on a sleeping order, and after getting to sleep for a bit, there’s a rumbling from the south east corner. It looks like some mongrelmen from the pit below have decided to investigate. He pulls off the chair, and Jorryn, the only one awake charges the mongrelman, as another mongrelman comes up from the depths. A third mongrelman tries to follow along with, but the room quickly becomes crowded, with only space for 17 people in the room comfortably, and the party already filling 8 of those slots. The party starts dispatching the mongrelmen one at a time as they come up from the depths, killing some on the ladder down, forming a pile of mongrelmen bodies at the base of the ladder. Some of the damaged mongrelmen escape down and setup below, waiting for the party to come down. Reid expends the last of his resources for the day, and he sits back, just offering some tired from sleep deprivation advice.   After the party dispatches quite a few of these traitors, Bosco decides it would be best to cannonball jump down the hole and engage the rest. Surprised at this action, Yuhia and Jorryn jump down along with, helping dispatch the damaged mongrelmen. They return to their reinforced room, and sleep for the rest of the night. Continuing the previous night’s path, they continue back down the hole, and open the door behind where the last remainder of the mongrelmen were guarding.   The party heads through the door to find a table and chairs, looking like a living room and two doors, one to the north, and one to the south. The party decides to check out the south door and they fight a slaughterhouse-type room and locate a nice dagger. After perusing through the room for a second, they walk over to the North door and open it up, to be met with a Tiefling and a Human, both of which are carrying their weapons. They stand up to strike, and the party engages into combat with the pair.  
Combat opens with the Tiefling stepping up and starting to strike on Jorryn. The woman in the back pulls out a stick and aims it on Yuhia, creating an incorporeal weapon that attempts to slice at Yuhia. Aurius flips over the Tiefling and slices at the Tiefling from behind as Yuhia gets into position but fails. Yuhia also not fully aware of the situation also misses the tiefling. Aravashnial starts a summon, waiting for the rest of the party to move in. Reid moves up to watch the glaived caster, and then the caster activates judgement on Aurius and attempts to slice at Aurius. Jorryn moves in to the room and tries to slice at the caster. As Yuhia moves into the room, the cast slices at the caster and misses as well. Aravashnial summons his normal tentacle monster and attempts to attack the caster. Aravashnial uses the remainder of his actions to move up to Jorryn and cast Heroism.  
Aurius throws a chakram and misses, Bosco pulls out his starknife and chucks it at the surrounded caster. Reid moves up and attempts to web the caster, and she escapes. Reid gives Jorryn some advice, which Jorryn is slightly confused, and misses. Then, the caster attempts to escape, but is instead smacked down by surrounding creatures giving attacks of opportunity. The party starts looting the room she is in and finds a chest with a lock on it. Recovering the key from the caster, they find a bunch of items, including a very ornate longsword case. They also recover a note on the caster that denotes what the caster was here for. They inspect the items and find that the longsword case contains a weapon that looks gold, but it is, in fact cold iron. When Yuhia picks up the longsword inside, it transforms into an Elven Leafblade in her hands.  
The party then inspects the note, reading it off, which shows that these two were co-conspirators on the attack on Kenebres. It looks like there was some safe houses inside of Kenebres. The party bets that S.V. is another demon lord. Unfortunately, none of them know who S.V. is, and they decide it would be best to head up to the surface. The party starts to suspect insiders for the attack on Kenebres.   Reid looks at the weapon with detect magic and discovers it has an overwhelming aura. Yuhia puts it to good use as her primary weapon, enjoying the perfect slice in the weapon.  
Heading up to the top level, they decide to go through the door. They discover a mini-maze, and while walking through the maze, they are attacked by dretches. Anevia shoots at the incoming demons, while at the front of the pack, Aurius moves up and attacks the front dretch. The dretch claws back and misses the hefty demons. Bosco moves up to try to get an advantageous position. Horgus tries to put a bolt in the back dretch and misses. Reid color sprays the back dretch and misses. He moves back behind Anevia. Jorryn then steps up to the front dretch and puts plenty of damage onto the dretch. The dretch tries cause fear on the front group but fails. Aravashnial is then targeted by the back dretch with cause fear, but Aravashnial shrugs it off. Yuhia moves back to block off the mages and NPCs from the back dretch, and attempts to use the new item. It really hurts the dretch heavily. Aravashnial moves back and gets swiped at as he does so, taking some damage from the dretch. Anevia shoots at the dretch at the back of the pack but doesn’t cause a lot of damage. Aurius, at the front of the pack, moves up and strikes the dretch. The damage reduction and cold reduction prevents the hammer from causing lots of damage on the dretch. That dretch attempts to strike back, missing its claws and slam. Bosco, turning around and stabbing the dretch in the knee, which sends shards of damage up through the dretch, making it pop out of existence with the greatest damage the party has ever seen. One of the front demons then strikes at Aurius and misses all their strikes. Reid casts web bolt at the back demon and gums it up. Jorryn moves back to help try to dispatch the demon threatening the back of the party. Yuhia strikes at the demon, burning the demon with her new weapon, but missing with the offhand. Aravashnial, now behind Horgus, casts Magic Circle against Evil, and stands there. Anevia moves up from stealth and sneak attacks with her bow onto the back demon, and it pops from the damage. Aurius uses the scale on his blade, and then tries to get behind the demons but fails. Bosco then casts levitate to get above the action. Jorryn blesses the party, and Yuhia moves up to join the front party. Aravashnial moves up to grant bonuses to everyone around him. Anevia also moves up to join the front.   Moving the combat towards the front, Reid casts Web Bolt on one of the front demons, wrapping it up in webs. Aurius slices on the demon in front of him with his freshly new buffed weapon and does some damage. Aurius then flips behind the demon to allow everyone to get forward. Reid then gives Jorryn some combat advice, as Jorryn moves up and spears the grappled demon. Yuhia squeezes underneath the flying gnome and shoves her new blade into the gullet of the grappled demon. Anevia tries to shoot over the people in the line and misses. Aurius then slices through the demon, forcing it back to its home plane. Bosco then moves up and strikes at the remaining demon from above, missing. The dretch then slices its claws at Bosco, causing some pretty hefty damage. A few people encourage the final strike as Yuhia moves up and shoves some damage from her two weapons. Anevia tries to shoot around the corner at the demon, but misses. Bosco attempts to slice at the demon’s ankles and misses. The demon slices at Yuhia, doing some damage. Reid gives some advice to Yuhia, and Jorryn slices at the demons. Yuhia does some damage to the front demon but doesn’t quite get there. Aravashnial casts magic missile at the front and puts two force strikes into the demon. Anevia gets a solid hit on the demon but doesn’t have enough damage to succeed. Aurius flips behind the demon and misses the demon, forgetting how to do a flip attack during his move past. Bosco tries to damage the enemy, and fails, but Jorryn then strikes the demon from behind, ending its life.  
  Following the path above, they travel up the path to the sewers they recognize as Kenebres. Above, they see a familiar, yet changed sight.  
Looking around at the damaged buildings and streets rife with the results of violence of demons invading the town. The Kite, which housed the Wardstone seems to have been destroyed. The cathedral, which was a shining sight on the top of the hill in the center of Kenebres is now destroyed.
Session Date
June 01, 2019
In-Game Starting Date
History Articles:
Wrath of the Righteous
Reid Moore
17-Level Sorcerer (Wildblooded Sage)
2-Level Magus (Spire Defender) 1-Level Monk
Jorryn K'Thral
17-Level Cleric
Yuhia Zhir
17-Level Paladin
Bosco Dieh
15-Level Bard (Fortune-Teller) 1-Level Oracle (Dual-Cursed) 1-Level Sorcerer (Eldritch Scion)
Report Date
01 Jan 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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