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Session IX: The Attack on Grey Garrison, Pt. 2 Report

General Summary

The party begins starting to move around the grease pit and take out the Dretches while some cultists come in from the door and a large Abrikandilus bursts in from the East room to join the Fray.  
In the ensuing chaos, the barrels over the Mongrelman, damaging him. Reid throws in a Glitterdust that blinds the newcomers, and the cultists retreat a bit to recover their eyes. Two more Abrikandulus come in and step into the Grease and knock out the Mongrelman to the south. The party begins to engage all of the creatures in the second room, as Reid notices that the Grease is becoming a problem for now both sides. The three enemies in the back start rubbing their eyes in an effort to clear out their eyes. One of the Cultists successfully does it, while the Abrikandlus and the other cultist continues to clear their eyes out.   After quite a bit of back and forth in the fight, Reid spends some time to end the life of the downed creatures. The party starts advancing to the next line, starting to take out the enemies. As the party has started to clear out the enemies, everyone starts calling for the Grease to be dismissed. Reid makes note that he has to dismiss it and throws out some more bolts from his wand of magic missiles to defeat another Abrikandlus and open up more spaces for people to attack. Moving forward, the party continues to empty damage onto the enemies, while the enemies move up and whittle down some damage on the party.  
The Glaive-wielding cultists begin to start aiming at the front liners while Setra in the back of the room lets loose arrows. In order to deal with the Abrikandlus, the party focuses them down to get them out of the way. The enemies respond by trying to get into better position to be able to hit the party. The front liners, which excellent dodge skills and armor keeps the enemies at bay as the party pushes forward into the room but is skewered by blade and arrow. Finally, Irabeth attempts to make a tactical decision to move into the grease to get a better front-lining position and she falls to her feet, and the party calls for Reid to dismiss the Grease, as it is no longer serving a purpose in this battle.   Before that happens, a Tiefling with bombs attached to his waistband comes into the room, and yells “What the hell is going on here?!” He quickly examines the room and lobs a bomb at Jorryn, sending fire Reid, Setra, Yuhia, Irabeth, and the two Mongrelmen, and lighting Jorryn on fire.   Finally, after a few blows being exchanged and Bosco moving up to try to take out the enemies, Reid points his finger at the grease, and the oily substance melts away into the floorboards, ending the spell. Reid retreats away from the action and Yuhia moves up to attack the cultists. Irabeth stands up and the cultists try to swing at Irabeth, missing. Irabeth, still offset by standing up, misses at the cultist. Yuhia gets a glaive right to her side, and Setra lets loose some more arrows, sending one right into the head of one of the cultists. The Bomber moves in and throws a bomb at Setra in response. The illustrious Reid pushes a Glitterdust into the room, blinding some of the enemies, and Setra retreats to be able to take a potion. Irabeth then charges the main bad guy while the party moves to be able to take out the enemies from range. Setra then crits one of the blinded cultists and ends their life. Jorryn heals the party in the other room, allowing one of the dying tieflings to revive from healing, but also granting back some of the party and the Mongrelmen to heal up. Reid moves up and helps out Irabeth which has been hurting, and Bosco moves up to attack the Mongrelmen and intercept for Irabeth. The bomber man moves out of the room and disappears from combat while the other cultists hold off the party.   The party starts to mop up the remaining enemies and end the battle in their favor, starting to heal up and find out where their bomber man friend went off to. As the enemy wakes up from Jorryn’s Healing in the first room, and attempts to attack the Mongrelmen, the Mongrelmen surround the tiefling and beat him down to the ground, killing him outright. Jorryn then moves around and kills the remaining cultist, ending combat.   The party discovers a set of stairs, and Setra starts searching the floors, looting the corpses, and making sure everything is dead. They discover some items in the rooms, and Reid orders the Mongrelmen to block the doors. The party discovers that the last remaining door on this level is locked. Yuhia bashes down the door and steps into the room, looking around, noticing nothing in the room. Irabeth moves up and notices that the temple to Iomedae has been desecrated. The party continues to search for their bomber friend, and then he appears inside the room that Yuhia has beaten her way into. He throws a bomb at Setra and the party attacks the Tiefling, knocking him unconscious. The party then moves to clean up the first level. They spend about 45 minutes cleaning everything up and discover that there is an outline to a secret chamber in the north room which leads to a holy armory filled with various pieces of armor, weapons, and ammunition.  
The party also discovers a single note on the bomber enemy and reads it off.   After the party cleans up the first floor a bit, they trigger the retreat and head back to their hiding spot to recover spells for tomorrow.
Session Date
August 17, 2019
In-Game Starting Date
History Entries
Wrath of the Righteous
Reid Moore
17-Level Sorcerer (Wildblooded Sage)
17-Level Ranger
Jorryn K'Thral
17-Level Cleric
Yuhia Zhir
17-Level Paladin
Bosco Dieh
15-Level Bard (Fortune-Teller) 1-Level Oracle (Dual-Cursed) 1-Level Sorcerer (Eldritch Scion)
Report Date
04 Jan 2021
Primary Location

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