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The Midnight Isles

The Midnight Isles is one of the least chaotic realms in the infinite realms of the Abyss. This plane is ruled by Nocticula, which has created the realm out of her kills of other demonic lords. Such creations has had the unintended side effects of creating Nahyndrian Crystals, which the forces of Baphomet and Deskari has sought out to use to reinforce their forces.   The Midnight Isles is not the largest Abyssal Realm, but they are the most exotic, and most beautiful locations in the Abyss. The Isles have never seen the light of day, constantly under the shroud of the "orbiting" moon that sheds light on the realm for 8 hours, followed by 8 hours of darkness.


  • The Midnight Isles

Midnight Isle Planar Traits

Divinely Morphic and Sentient: Nocticula can alter the Midnight Isles at will, but she generally avoids doing so, as she is generally pleased with the shapes her defeated foes have assumed.   Strongly Chaos-Aligned and Strongly-Evil Aligned: A -2 circumstance penalty applies to all Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based skill checks attempted by creatures that aren't chaotic or evil. The penalties for the chaotic and evil components of the alignment trait stack.   Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the chaotic, evil, or darkness descriptor or of the shadow subschool are enhanced.   Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the lawful, light, or good descriptor are impeded.   Finite Shape: The Midnight Isles are a large collection of islands found within a shallower portion of the Abyssal ocean of Ishiar. The border between the ocean surrounding the Midnight Isles and Ishiar manifests as the seabed suddenly dropping several vertical miles. Though no visible border exists on the surface, the edge of the Midnight Isles extends roughly 300 miles from the isles' shores.   Illumination: The concept of "daytime" does not exist in the Midnight Isles. The sky above the isles is always night: 8 hours lit by a full and unusually large "moon" and  hours of darkness lit only by strange, star-like points of light aobe. The light of the moon is relatively bright, equivalent to normal light, but never bright light. After the moon sets, the stars and luminous ribbons provide dim light. Now and then, thick clouds or mists form over the isles, reducing illumination by one step. The moon and the stars do not actually exist, they are merely figments of Nocticula's desires for her realm, and no creature can ever reach the stars or the moon.   Time: although time runs normally on the Midnight Isles, a "day" consists of only 16 hours (8 hours of moonlight and 8 hours of true night). All durations and effects listed as lasting per day should last 24 material-plane hours, rather than the shorter version of the day on this Abyssal Realm.
Dimensional plane

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