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The Legend of Valkur's Vengeance

Even if ye not be a seasoned sailor, ye have still heard of Valkur and the hold he has over the seas. Many a captain pays homage to the wrathful god, those that don't are met with a sudden change in the winds. There be a place, northeast of the Moonshaes, where the souls of those who have fallen out of Valkur's favor end up. Valkur's Vengeance. An area littered with the bones of dead men whose spirits are trapped in an unnatural fog. Even if ye could find yer way there, navigating the rocky terrain in the fog is nigh impossible. There is a high collection of coastal rocks, and even more are hidden below the surface of the water waiting to claim the vessel beneath ye.   But, there be treasure in those waters. Some brave sailors have ventured into the fog, vessels captained by men who could only be called mad for their desire to meet an early end. Thousands of Ships have been claimed by the Vengeance. Their treasure lost to the dark murky waters, and the sea creatures that call it their home. An area free from the influences of man have left the wildlife unchecked, and so the serpents of the sea have grown unhindered. Tales say that the largest serpents can grow to twice the size of a warship, and are also twice as deadly. I have heard there also be talk of mermaids who swim the waters there. Their call dragging even prepared sailors to their watery grave. Best defense ye have against the mermaid's call, cover yer ears and turn away. If the sound of their voice doesn't get you, their beauty is said to be blinding. As if to say that weren't enough, there is also talk of ships long since claimed by the Vengeance sailing the waters, protecting their lost cargo. Ships have been spotted at the edges of the mist, some iconic whose stories have been told for centuries. Twisted hulls, neither present nor gone, crewed by creatures who no longer feel pain. I have never heard of a vessel facing off against one of these ghost ships and managing to sink it.   My best advice, stay away from Valkur's Vengeance if ye know what's good for you. Ye'd have a better chance of surviving a trip to the hells then making it out of the Vengeance with yer life. If you do somehow manage to make it out alive, riches be yours waiting in the dark depths below.


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